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☆ 66. Chapter 66 Hatred and Transaction

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Chapter 66 Hatred and Deal

Ruxia and Wu Qi drove around in the street and finally arrived at a narrow alley.

Wu Qi walked to a dilapidated and ordinary house and knocked on the door gently and rhythmically. Soon, the people inside also knocked at the same rhythm. Wu Qi felt relieved and knocked on the door again as before.

At this time, the door creaked open, and an old man in simple clothes stood respectfully by the door.

Wu Qi nodded to him, then called Ruxia and walked inside, entered a house, and then locked the door behind his back. There was no electric light in the room, and a kerosene lamp flickered on, as if it would go out if the wind blew.

"Nowadays, you can only use generators to generate electricity, or use solar energy, so only the wealthy areas you visited during the day will have electricity. These places, well, that's all." Wu Qi explained.

There is actually no need to explain this kind of thing, you just need to think about it and you will understand. Wu Qi was just looking for a topic to start with. He couldn't just talk about business as soon as he walked in, right? However, Ruxia obviously could not understand his intentions and was not ready to accept his kindness. She was still in a hurry to go back!

"Can we talk now?" Ru Xia watched as Wu Qi kept using something similar to the pager he had in previous years to give some orders to his men. She pretended not to see or hear this. The more you know, the deeper you sink.

Wu Qi is also a good person, so of course he knows what Ru Xia is worried about. He just smiled. In fact, those were not secrets at all, and he was not afraid of others knowing, so there was no need for this at all. Ruxia's performance made him smile knowingly.

"Of course." This is the first time Wu Qi has met such a woman. She is completely uninterested in her status and wealth. She is beautiful and powerful. God is too biased, right?

(A certain Sakura: Haha, your kid has seen through it. I am my biological mother, so of course I prefer my Xia Xia!)

"In terms of my status, it is not an exaggeration to say that I am the crown prince of this base. But, then, It's just a superficial phenomenon, in fact..." Wu Qi's eyes became a little strange, as if he was sad, but also ridiculed, as if he was remembering, but also full of hatred, "Actually, they all thought it was my father's. That person is just a substitute! A substitute who seeks to usurp the throne!"

At this point, Wu Qi's facial expression became a bit ferocious and terrifying. Ru Xia felt that if the "substitute" he was talking about was standing here right now, and he had the chance, he would definitely rush forward and cut that person into pieces.

"You should have heard that in ancient times, emperors and senior officials would find someone who looked very similar to themselves as a substitute just in case. My father did the same thing." Wu Qiping calmed down his mood and tried to make it clear. Telling the story, "My father was a gangster before he became an official. Later, he washed his hands of his life and turned to politics. Therefore, he had many enemies. For safety reasons, he found A man who looked exactly like him was used as a stand-in. They were so similar, not only in appearance, but also in the way they spoke, their tone, their movements, their handwriting, etc., there was no difference. It was because they were so similar that... So that..."

"So that your biological father was killed and no one knew that the substitute took over?" Ru Xia continued.

"Yes, that's it!" Wu Qi thought of that person and the day he came home. His father told himself as a child that this uncle, also named Wu, would treat him as well as his other father in the future. Later, he truly treated himself as his own son.

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