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Dear Almighty God. I don't know the reason of my existence animals hate me, people hate me, and the parents who were supposed to love me unconditionally left me in a freaking abandoned dirty sewer drain.

Such a fantastic way to start your life in this so-called earth, right. I grew up in some orphanage institutions which squeeze government money and waste people's tax money. Apparently, the worker puts on a good acting show. Showing their love and great sympathy to us the unwanted child, the sinful child, bastard or burden child. They could have won any Grammy or Oscar Award for their skilful acting.

My name Rylan Avery Thompson. My nickname is Lardass Gutter or as what few of my so-called schoolmate and college mate calls me. That nickname, has stuck me for this past few years from those honorable kids from their perfect family.

"Hola, Mr. Lardass Gutter the nerdy fatty. Still increasing your fatness?" A taunting voice accompanied by a hard smack on my heart. Making my lovely, delicious Mickey D burger rolled in green grass.

Mark Roger one of those football jock, makes it his duty to taunt me every second he sees me without failed. His action is without a doubt would earn him great applause and laughter from his clown group of friends.

"Hi, morning mister cranky panty jock-dick-less. Sorry, I never owe anything from you as far as I remember." I retorted back, as you can see I like to dig my own grave too.

"What do you say triple chain fatty? Oh course, you owe me. You owed my parents and other parents' money since your diaper age." Mark pushed me against the building's wall. Great, now I am pissing off monster face.

"Now, I'm curious, fatty. Do you own, a man part or woman's part down there?" Mark taunt in smirking smile.

"I bet his pee-wee is just like granny pussy." Reid the other bullies, said in distaste.

"Yeah, I think so, because we never see he use urine tool except being a stall toilet lover." Erwin added the un-funny joke.

"So Mark, why not we check it thoroughly." Reid said with devil face.

Reid's suggestion earned a big nodded from all his heartless jock group. I feel my blood drain from my face. They are not seriously doing that, right? All the time, they just smacks kick, taunt and shove me around never had dare to do any action beyond that. My body shake by that thought, no... I can't let them do it.

"Eww, stop it guys. It's disgusting, to look that fatty's penis." Melissa scrunched her nose. She's a cheerleader and Mark's slutty mistress.

"At least, I'm not some whore who moans inside a dirty stall." My mouth has its own brain whenever it comes to retorting to someone.

"Useless turds!!!" followed by an echo slapping sound, and lands gracefully on my left cheek. "Mark, can you let me videotape when you guys put this asshole where he is supposed to be" she continues. I struggle and tries peel off Mark's hand from my neck.

The mischievous smile running around their lips. God, please save me, even when I'm not a pure believer. Mark lands a hard punch on my stomach, I yelp loudly because just a few minutes ago I just ate some heavy food. My legs feel jelly before Mark and Reid hand clamps around my shoulder and push me to walk into an empty room.

Erwin restrains me with some rope, he got in his hand. Melissa smiles like witch whore, before putting a lump of handkerchief in my mouth. The handkerchief prevents me from scream. The horror film scene flickering in my eyes.

They're insane. Reid flashes a sharp tool, and the other foolish jock is busy unbuckling my belt and tugs my pants off. I struggled but I felt a cold blade tucking slightly at my neck.

"Don't struggle too much fatty. We don't have time to find any blood donor later." Reid licks the blood on the blade. I use my eyes to beg them to stop their ridiculous deeds, but it turn into vain.

Melissa giggles and enjoys in taking a video. They humiliated me, they stomp on my last pride. Why are human so cruel? Aren't we the same?

I woke after I fainted. How much time had passed already? I look at my phone; and it's already 18:30. Great... a few hours had pass. My body sore, bluish-black contusion covers my stark naked body. I dialed the one of two numbers which reside in my cell phone, waiting on the other person answer it.

"Ree... are you busy? I need a help... can you come and take me home?" I bit my lips from sobbing.

"I'm free...I just opened the house door. Where are you? Gimme thirty minutes." Reese my housemate answer. He took me in as soon as I left the orphanage house.

"At school, at the north wing abandoned boy's comfort room... please bring me clothes, okay..." I cut off the called session after muttered those words. Reese could be pain in arse sometimes.

I curled my body. It is a crime to have a big body?


This is strictly a pure fictional story. I never intent to offend anybody with the insulting sentence. So, forgive me if some of the word did offend you guys. Don't forget to comment and votes for this story. I need some feedback.

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