Chapter 3

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Just as what I had expected, I have become an instant celebrity once I step on school ground. The student keeps whispering and snickering when they spot my figure. The douche bag culprits laugh and dangle their phone, keep the high volume of my screaming and crying scene.

I fight my inner self and prevent it from surface. What is done was done, right? It's meaningless to amend it. Just let the time to cool it down. I strode inside the class like usual. Ignore all classmate whisper and brainless joke.

People sure like to rub a salt on wounded part. I was pity for people who had inherited those foolish manners. The school management just turns a blind eye on this matter. This shit school was not ruled by management, but a group of wealthy heir.

That's why everything was turning blind. Typical wealthy people bullshit rules. I sit on my usual seat, waiting for the lecture to begin with. For one, this class is the worst class I ever attend. How should I say? The teacher really a slutty widow, whoring around with her own student. A real cum dumpster hole. I can't believe how this school makes its way into top elite school.

"Hi, Mr. Whore, how much you were getting paid for yesterday stunt?" Lizzy, the self-taught bee queen asks me.

"Much more higher than your cheap dick boyfriend monthly salary." I retort back.

"I wonder who the one who play with your dirty hole." All class members burst into crazy laugh. Mrs. Wilson tries to hide her disgusting laugh.

"Oh, I wonder too... why not you ask the people in the video. They may answer your question. In fact, they quite satisfied because my hole was tight compare to someone loose pussy." I mock her when glance over these culprit team. Their faces turn a reddish shade.

"Class, please keep quiet, the class will start now. And, Mr. Thompson pleases refrains from saying a vulgar word or I may force to keep you in the detention room." Mrs. Wilson said in blanks emotion. See, the world really fair around these pest richer. Note of sarcasm.

"Yes, Mrs. Wilson." I open the pages. Take a good note about her bad teaching and lousy remark. Luckily, I have prepared myself on this topic ahead.

The class bell ringing, signalling the hell finally ends. I enjoy taking my time to my favorite spot. Ignore all the prejudices eyes once again. I put an earphone on my ears, keeping the high volume as a barrier wall to avoid all insult words.

I sit under further tree, unpacked my homemade food. I enjoy my food in the extreme peace state. I wonder how much my skin was thickening in this past few years. From a cry baby, I turn out to be a sarcastic and ignorant person. My wall only loose around Reese.

Because a loud music blasted in my ears, I unaware of Mark's team near me. Without any mercy, they kick my food. Their building tower me with sickening smile. The flash from last time appears in my sight.

I fought the scene to stay calm in their eyes. Let them think the previous thing never affect my lovely life. I school my facial to become blank.

"Who the one you mean was satisfied with your dirty asshole, fat queer?" Mark shouts in my face.

"Aren't you guys who the one enjoys my bare butt?" I question them back. See, my mouth really doesn't know the word 'silent'.

A flying smack land on my left face, a sting spread across my face. His gang takes a turn to kick and punch my body again.

One – Calm down

"Stupid fat faggot." Reid spit on my face.

Two - let it go like passing wind.

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