Chapter 16

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Alfred POV

"Where we are going?" Rylan whine beside me.

"Secret, babe." He leans on my shoulder in sense of protest. I know he hates to separate from Allen. I kiss his head while minding we are still on the road.

He just stays silent maybe enjoy the view out of the car window. The times are sure flying so fast. Today remark our one-month relation. Then, today will be our first date too. Deep inside I'm very nervous with his reaction.

I'm not use to lie over an important matter. After careful thinking and having a deep discussion with my family member, I decide to spill the true about our family background and mine. I pray every passed second for him to accept us like usual.

Goddess I can't lose someone so precious like him. I use my free hand to caress his silky hair, in meantime to calm my nervousness.

We arrive at the appointed place after two hours. I feel guilty to disturb his peaceful sleep. My heart also had painful knot and my stomach start churning.

"Are you okay, Al?" A melodious voice whispers beside me. I turn around to meet sleepy brown eyes.

"Yes, I'm okay, babe." He has disbelief reaction and studies my face detailing.

"Not, you're not okay. You face got paler." He turns worried.

"I'm not, babe. We had arrived to my private beach house." I open his door. It's refreshing whenever I'm with him and proud because I'm the first in his everything except sex stuff.

"Wow the cottage so wonderful. It's yours?" I saw an excited glint in his light brown iris.

"Yes, mine and eventually become you're too." He frowns hearing the last sentence.

"Dear my beloved, I'm accepting your love not because your wealthy, darling." He said in seducing voice. My body feels shuddering.

"After we are married, what's mine will become yours, babe."

"What? Aren't we only remaining as a lover till the end? I mean, who will approve marry between two men. Society is not so nice enough to accept our love, Al."

"I'll make it happen, babe. I want to tie our love in concrete family law, brand you as mine in other people's eyes..." I said while kissing his hand. He skin blushingly.

I lead him into my private cottage. I had asked my secretary to prepare the place and my omega group to set up the primary dinner place.

"It's an amazing view." He comments after we are on the balcony facing the blue beach. I hug him from behind, swaying forth and back. He purrs in my embrace.

"Shall we living here after we marry? I mean it." I whisper in his right here, leaning my head on his shoulder blade.

"No." He shortly replied.

"Why? We are a lover, babe." I turn his to facing me. He shows me a normal reaction. I feel my heart fell on my feet.

"Yes, we are lover but you never propose me for marry stuff." He winks.

"Gosh, never scare me like that again. You almost make my heart stop beating." I kiss his kissable lips. His laughter fills the balcony after we break from kissing.

"Sorry, my dear lover, but it's a true fact that you never ask me for marrying." He said in between a small laughter. I feel my face heating.

I lead him to the beach area. The subtle wind brushed our bare skin comfortably. Rylan smiles when spotted the children with their family playing happily. We walked until I reach the suppose site for my perfect date.

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