Chapter 2

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Ivan POV

Have you ever wondered if there is such a thing as true love, like in the good old movies? In my case, it should be a destiny mate. On the other hand, perhaps you are still searching him or she likes what I had done in the past few years.

My name is Ivan Ullrick Kendall, an Alpha for Crimson Moon Knight Pack. The second largest pack in State after Midnight Silent lead by the famous Alpha, Kai Malcolm. He was also my cousin from our mother's side. Sometimes, I'm kind of jealous whenever people whispering about his popularity and his beautiful mate.

Despite all that matter, our relation really closes. He was like a brother to me. Because of rogues and other matter thing, we don't have time to meet each other in this few years. Kai also rarely left his territory. It's understandable because the biggest your pack the more crises arise would from inside outside.

For that matter, I feel blessed because I still could go around and around because our pack not biggest like him. Our pack members have high conscience and loyalty aspect. They also expert in pack safety and have strong relationships with each other.

It has been six years since I take over my Alpha position from my dad. Normally, Alpha will step on their position when they're reaching eighteen years old. I was different. It was because I failed to locate my mate when I reach eighteen, dad delayed for me to take an alpha title. However, dad health deteriorates after received a huge blow in one of rogue attacked a few years ago. In the end, he has no other choice than reins me as a new Alpha.

I still remembered how ecstatic my feeling when the clock hit 00:00 on my eighteen birthday. My wolf and I started inhaling every scent to trace our mate. With every passed hour, our patience went down. Our hope became shattered when morning came. My parents convince me to search around my school and other packs. According to them, sometime our mate, maybe select from human race.

Truthfully, I'm so eager to meet our mate since my mum and dad keeps telling me a story about a mate. How wonderful to be reunited with the one who will complete yourself. The absolute mate every supernatural creature desire.

My wolf and I couldn't locate our mate until now. It was depressing matter. I was travelling around the world, over a few continental and countless packs. But it was all vain. That so called mate, never appear in front me. Despite everything I have, I am not complete without my destiny mate. My other half soul.

I feel frustrated whenever I spotted my pack member found their loved one. Even the youngest one found their mate when they reach the age to acknowledge their mates. For me, the fates arranged it in a better way. Keeping my mate in place, I can't reach for. Or maybe my mates have already departed from this world.

It had been almost eight years, since I reach the age where my mate supposed to be in my arms. With every passing day, my patience has lessened, my determine to find mate also had down. Now, I'm giving up to even locating her in all mean. If the Moon Goddess really provides us with a mate, then soon or later she will come into my laps.

No need to weight my mind with unnecessary matter. I have something else to manage instead dwell in an endless loneliness. My pack safety and wellbeing as my priority. No need to waste my time to wait uncertainty mate appear.

"Hi pup, how are you today?" Mum greets with ecstatic loving voice.

"Good mum..." I trail off my word, putting a cereal into bowl of milk.

"Don't show me you gloomy mood in the early morning. You're just a spoil a good day." Mum eases a frown between my eyebrows.

"Mum, stop treats me like a pup. Seriously, I'm almost twenty-six and an Alpha." I'm playing with milk cereal inside the bowl.

"Oh, then give me a grandchild. I'll stop all the childish treat if I could divert it to your child." Mum winks. I give her a sour smile.

"Morning Ivan.. What with this an early ruckus? Have you decided the wedding date?" Dad and mum greet each other.

Aww... the old couple still act as if they are in teen ages. What the embarrassing parents I have? I stirred the cereal in my bowl. My appetite was gone completely.

"Nope... I and Kayla are not thinking to end our blissful single life yet." I said nonchalantly.

"Seriously, you should stop acting like teenager. You have engaged for more two years, Ivan." Mum rolls her eyes.

"Did you want to continue to find your mate? I could handle a thing here if you decide to set a journey again." Dad said. He hopes I would end up with a real mate.

"Mum, dad, stop it. I'm tired about mate thing now." I take that as my cue to leave a kitchen.

I back to my room and change clothes to combat attire. I need to supervise the young pups and warrior training today. The peace we have today not for an eternity. The danger will strike when we were slight guard off.

"Salute, Alpha, want to be my sparring partner today?" Terrance said playfully. He is my beta and best friend. We have been inseparable since diaper ages. Sometime, people were mistaking us as items.

The assumption was off to mars planet. First off, we are strictly are best friend forever. Secondly, we only find a girl hoe not man. Eww, I couldn't imagine to thrust mini me in shit tunnel.

The thought makes me shiver in disgust. What so excited to have sex with the same gender? We absolutely are having the same set from hair to toe. A differentiate only in sizes, colours, lengths, and shapes.

I'm never discriminating homosexual people, it just I can't imagine myself as one of them. I like to hunt a real pussy than a fake one. Mini me never wake up whenever I spot any queer flirts around. The switch only turns on whenever I spot a pair of sexy deer legs, shape, a bubbly rounded ass, a brunette hair, and middle size cleavages boobs. Plus, a sweet, beautiful face, limpid eyes, intellectual, and an elegant. Great packages, right?

Those were the criteria my woman should've possessed to stand by my side, as my pack Luna. A great Luna for a great pack. Nothing less... Shoot, mini me start waking up. It was safe when I choose to wear a loose cargo short today.

"Shall we start now, A.L.P.H.A?" Terrance gives a knowing smirk.

"Yes, my lovely B.E.T.A?" I replied in the same tone as he. Terrance gives me a playful smirk.

The warriors surround us. They are stopping their own practice to witness Terrance and me sparring. Terrance hardens his stance before lung to my side without announcing. He is very good in sneak and run tactic.

Terrance supposed to be my head warrior. He hates a table work very much. The one who should be my beta was his older brother. Unfortunately, Joe rejects the position because he was obsesses to search his mate. His whereabouts was unknown for this moment.

Terrance had found his mate when we were in some collaboration training with another pack when he turning twenty years old. Through his mate, I got to meet a beautiful she-wolf, Kayla. They're best friend. It happened three years ago when he throws a birthday party for his mate, Rachel. Kayla and I hit off because we have a chemical attraction to each other. Since that day, I stopped sleeping around. She is my woman, my fiancée.

"Alpha, watch out!" I snap from my reminiscence when I feel a harden punch land on my left torso.

Fool! Cedric, my wolf yells inside me.

Terrance gives me a smug smile. He seems satisfied could land a punch on me. How should I tell? My wolf still didn't give up finding his mate. Therefore, we're sort of in cold war after I made the decision to search my mate and got engaged with Kayla instead. He despised me so much. Most of the times he just ignores me as his human vessel. Quite fancy wolf I have, right?

I sigh and continue my mock sparring. In the end, Terrance couldn't beat me either. After that, we supervise the warrior training.

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