Chapter 36

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The more you dwell in love, the more it will take your insane. That is what I have taste now. Rylan still is stubborn with his decision to leaving me. Allen's condition was far worsen after hearing Rylan's statement. I understand he still in sadness after losing his husband, but he had no right to blame it on Allen.

Allen never wished nor did he want to be kidnapped victim. If he knows everything will end with more grieve, he will think that die in the hand of the rogue is better than alive shouldering the scornful look from his papa.

The kid's spirit had left his body. He became soulless kid and keeps hidden in his own room I given to him. Thankfully, Ernest can accept my son as a sibling. I am glad that Ernest never gives up on trying being friend with Allen.

He has not given up when everything he said only result a zero replied from Allen. I always spotted Allen keep staring into blank space. He never says anything and closes his mouth completely. We also need to force him to eat.

However, sometimes, I caught a longing glance in his eyes whenever he spots Rylan. Since the incident, both of father and son avoid from meet or talk to each other. It is really sad considering how they displayed a beautiful love bond before.

Allen also refuses to talk about the kidnapped incident. In addition, he didn't remember me as his savior. He became distant and complicated boy each passing day. Nobody knows what he had thought inside of his mind considering how well he covered his feeling.

He also avoids from being in same space as his papa. Do not tell me he actually overheard our conversation the night Rylan awoke. It will become worse if the kid starts to isolate himself from others. I need to talk with him again. I need to get his trust to step into his shield.

I knock his room but nobody reply so I invite myself in there. The boy sits on the chair while sink in deep thought. He jumps when I touch his shoulder. His eyes wander around the room like deer caught in the light.

"Mind if I join you here?" He just ignores me as usual. "How do you feel staying here? Have any progressing become Ernest's friend? He really hopes you could be his friend," Somehow, he grits his teeth when I muttered Ernest name.

"I don't want a friend. I don't want to live here. Leave me alone. Your adult is a big liar." He vicious wipes off the tears.

"Liar? I don't understand. You know, son, I am willing to become anything if it can make you smile again. You need to be strong to become your father pillar. You're the right medicine to get your father out from his depression." I try to persuade him in subtle ways.

"But he doesn't want me. He..." Tears are wetting his cheeks. I used my thumb to wipe the tears stained. My stupidity rejection had lead the innocent child suffered something that shouldn't have been tasted in young age.

"Come here, son." Without delay the boy land himself on me while crying hardly. It is better this way than he had built up the tension from inside.

"Shh... give your father some more times to revert to his old self. After all, you're only the jewel in his heart." I am rocking the small body that still sobbing mess in my chest.

After a few minutes, he stops the crying and looking outside the window with the vacant eyes again. No emotion displayed on his cute face. The boy takes a lot resemble of Rylan except his nose and the pair of eyes.

He is a beautiful kid with leader aura. Allen didn't resist when I carried him to the outside. I want the pack member to start taking his scent. Otherwise, he is bound to be their Alpha in the future. Since he was coming here, Allen keeps himself in either the bedroom or the dining hall. He never steps outside, even for one.

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