Chapter 37

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The sadness and pain still covered my whole body after rejected by my own mate. The pack members avoided from touching about mate topic in front me too. The heartless mate had left me without turning back. He disappeared into thin air.

And, I didn't take any initiative to pursue him this time. I'd let him go unwillingness. I block Cedric whine and whimper each time the pain assault us. To make the matter more worst is our son silently. Allen distant himself and become completely mute but snapped and snarled when something went against his wish.

One time I saw him defend the omega pups, but another time there always come the complaint saying he beaten them to a pulp. I sighed when my head starts throbbing hard. I open my eyes when hears the door creak.

"Still not found my papa?" Allen asks when he in front my desk.

"Not yet, son." I know he really misses his papa.

"Okay." He retreats to the door, give me the last glance before disappearing behind it. That is one of his routine when he decides to face me.

Finally, I take a decision to trace my mate again. I can't sit here without doing anything. I'll drag him back and chain he here is that can make him stay. I dial Albert's cellular phone hoping Rylan is there. After three dialing, someone picks the phone.

"Hello, may I speak with Alpha Albert." I put an urgent tone while ask the favor.

"Yes, I am. Who is there?" The other line answers me.

"I'm Ivan Kendall. Is Rylan there?" Without any further delay, I ask the question.

"No, I haven't seen him since they day you took him away. Is there any problem?" I detect a pure concern from my mate ex-brother-in-law.

"Yeah, he still can't get over the lost and rejected me as his mate. He also had left us." I grit my teeth.

"I will ask around Alfred property. If anyone spots him, I will immediately inform you. Rylan is not a cruel man. Maybe his heart still is playing tug in between the guilt of my brother dead and you." He said honestly.

"Okay, thank you, Albert." The call ended when I hear his wife was calling him.

We need to find him soon. – Cedric pace forth and back in my mind.

Why do you still want him? - I stupidly ask Cedric when I already know the answer.

No matter how rude he is, he stills my mate. My half soul already belongs to him before we exist in this world. – I rub the forehead when he word register hard in my mind.

Sorry, Cedric, my mind not working on the right path right now. I promise to find him even it mean I need to sacrifice anything else. He means a lot to me just like how he is to you. - I lean into the leather chair.

Cedric was going back to sleep to alleviate the rejection pain. I take it as a cue to finish all the paper work for my business and pack. The work takes my mind from thinking about Rylan. After finishing all the paper work, I went to check Allen and feel relief when saw him have fallen asleep.

All of sudden my breath gets short. It is hard to inhale and exhale the air. I collapse on my knees, tries to calm the breathing course. I don't know how I'm knocked off from consciousness. In the faint, I saw a bad vision. The vision when my beautiful mate lay in a pool of the blood. Unconsciousness. Without any sign of the breathing. He completely stills with heavy lids, staring into nothingness. The sight terrified me to no end.

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