Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

Rylan POV

I wrapped my hand around Alfred's torso, walking side by side to our home. Miranda opens the door and engulfs both of us in her warm hugs. Miranda truly feels relieved when she spots me back with her son.

"Thank you Rylan for had chosen my son. I scared to death if Alfred reverts to his old self. This may sound a selfish request because you should have living with your legal mate. But as a mother, I simply can't see he sink into his despair world again." Miranda long speeches invite tears from both us.

"Don't worry mother because only the dead can apart us." I take my son into my embrace. His small finger traces the tears on my face. I kiss his cheeky cheeks, soothing the turmoil inside me. My choice is wise; they are worth to choose than a cheap mate. Allen only takes Alfred as he solely father.

"Why are you crying papa? Did the bad uncle hurt you again?" Allen said while studying my face.

"Nope baby, that uncle not bad at all, just clears some misunderstanding. Allen baby, daddy, and I need to tell you an important thing. Can we talk in papa's room?" Allen hugs me and nods.

I put Allen on the soft mattress, Alfred sits in another corner of bed and me beside Allen. "Baby, no matter what we will tell you, our love for you is pure and an unconditionally and no less even a little drop." He nods nervousness stare blank to ceiling.

"You remember the uncle who visit our restaurant before?" I wait for Allen response.

"Yes, the mean uncle who beaten daddy and was treated you so mean. I hate him." Alfred smiles bitterly.

"Baby, it's bad to hate someone we barely know." Alfred said from the sidelines.

"I'm sorry, daddy. I just dislike him when he was hurting you." Allen whisper slowly. Alfred gets close to us, wrapping his arms on the Allen small body.

"Baby, just treat it as a reminder. I'm not blaming you and the uncle has been apologized for hurting me." Allen mouth curls upside.

"Baby, back to topic, the uncle was not really a bad person. It just we had unfinished work and misunderstanding before you was born. He now was in great regretted and begged for second chances. And, the truth is the uncle....." I fidgeted on my feet, debating whether it's okay for me to reveal the truth for a small figure front me.

"Papa, what is wrong? What about the uncle?" Allen said curiously.

"Mmm the truth is, the man we refer as an uncle was actually your biological father. He is your real father." The kid stare me as if I'd grow the second head.

"No... you just tease me because I was acting badly. My papa is you and my daddy is this one." he pointed his finger to Alfred. "... You are just joking. I swear I will never be a naughty boy anymore. And, my daddy is only Alfred Nightshade." He giggles after Alfred ruffles his dark brown mane.

It was hard to convince this little kid than what I have expected earlier. He in denial and did not wanted to acknowledge Ivan as his biological father. We sighed in frustrated but somehow I could felt a proud and love radiated from Alfred's body as Allen only acknowledged him as his father.

Alfred pats my shoulder when Allen stubbornly puts a hand on both his ears to protest from hears the story any further. I surrender when seeing the tears wetting his cheeks. Maybe we have chosen a wrong time to tell him the truth. Even though he processes a genius brain, he stills the kid in the learning process.

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