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The exam ended on a good note. Relief that will score better marks. While thinking of the exam I just cherish one memory. It's that she manages to make me blush during every exam. So I thought about what about payback time. I decided to make her blush four times more than me. I started planning to think of some ideas of how to make her blush.

She had her college and as my vacation was every morning I used to greet her with good morning and with different names as well like good morning sweety, little angel, princess, sweetheart. She used to blush every morning and once she said stop making me blush every morning by saying all these names. Almost a month passed and I kept calling her different names and making her blush.

It was almost Christmas and she told me that it was time when every year we celebrate days and fest will also be organised. My mind started running fast and I came out with the idea that I would surprise her by going to her college. One fine sunny day I woke up a bit earlier and got ready. As my morning routine, I texted her good morning. I worked on my looks before heading to her college. I wanted to look my best. I left home after setting my hair and clothes properly. I texted her 10 minutes I will be at your college meet me at your college gate. On the way to college, I thought of getting a gift for her but was totally confused about what to buy. And finally ended up buying 5-star chocolate bars and hid them in my pockets. As soon as I headed to college from a far distance I saw a girl wearing a green colored traditional dress paired up with heels and puffed hair and as usual her best friend aspects. She was holding her handkerchief in her hand and was constantly looking down at her mobile screen. I walked close to her as she realized someone standing close to her She headed up in my direction. Then our eyes met and we froze. When we were into each other I realized how beautiful eyes she has. I then remembered that I met her twice and didn't get much time to follow up. And the stare game was on. And suddenly a voice strikes out saying 'hi dear' the same voice that made me blush. That voice broke the silence and made me skip a beat. I was glad she was waiting for me. I said putting my hand behind the neck 'Sorry that I made you wait' she said 'No it's ok, come on let's go in all my friends are having fun, you can join us, and it's traditional day'. With that, she started walking and I followed her my hands in my pocket. I was thinking about how to hand her the chocolate with a surprise, I was pulled out of my thoughts when a soft hand intertwined with mine. That moment was more surprising for me coz it was the first time that she intertwined her hand with mine. It gave me the feeling of red carpet and we are the couple walking on it. Until we reached to the garden area where her friend and classmates were snapping the memories and having fun. Then soon she joined them and I also joined. Three or four of her friends were known to me coz they were with her when she came to Kalidas. Then she joined her friends and got a bit busy clicking the memories. I made my way from where I could see her not too far and not too close. I was just looking at her and how she shared a close bond with her friends. At last, she rolled her eyes around and spotted me alone standing and glaring at her. She walked to me and said 'I am sorry, we all are excited coz it's our last year of college and we want to make the most of it'. I said 'it's totally fine you continue with it' but she denied it and instead made herself comfortable standing beside me. I noticed that we were standing on a tank in the garden and made me almost like we were standing on a small stage. She decided to break the silence and said ' Are you just a WhatsApp talker? Or you drained out coz I am here in front of you?' I was so controlling myself not to blush. What a time her best friend entered and interrupted our conversation. She walked towards us and Urvashi introduced us 'She is Amy my best friend, and this is Babu' I gave her a friendly smile and she returned it. Then she teased us by saying 'Why are you both standing on this stage?? Are you both preparing for your reception???' And then I blushed out which I tried to control. With that statement, Amy ran for her life as Urvashi was going to kill her off for teasing her. I saw Urvashi chasing Amy all over the garden area and I burst into laughter. After a defeat, Urvashi came back to me and said 'Don't mind her words she was just kidding and probably doesn't get it serious'. I shook my head in agreement. She then said 'I will be just back as we all want to take a snap of the group'. As they were done with group snap she came back to me and I asked her out of curiosity 'Will you not snap a memory with me?' Then she called her friend and asked to click a memory. I gave my best look full of attitude and my hands folded near my chest and to my surprise, Urvashi rested her folded hand on my shoulder.

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