Chapter 20

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Due to Urvashi's confession now things were getting better so it was time we both can recreate our relation and clear all the misunderstanding that was separating us. I started calling her in the evening we use to talk about everything and anything. My interaction with Urvashi gave me my smile back. But I was still close to Vidhi even I use to hangout with Vidhi and Urvashi use to get jealous. I don't mean to make Urvashi jealous but I can't even ignore Vidhi she is and was with me when I was fighting with my feeling for Urvashi.

Time circle revolve so fast and it was time for Navratri 2 years will come to an end since I first saw Urvashi and asked her name more over my feeling for her. And this time I honestly was not in any mood to play garba coz of my track records each time during navratri either I use to get attached to someone or someone used to get attracted towards me. This year I did not want anyone to get attracted towards me. May be I did not want anyone to take Urvashi's place in my life. So I decided not to play garba this year. But destiny has its own plan or godess Durga wanted to take my test. My younger sister Dhruvi was upset because she was unable to enjoy navratri. So I decided to take her out to play garba. But Dhruvi told me 'I want to play with a big group. There is no enjoyment playing garba wit only 2-3 people' I din't understand what to do. The next thought that came in my mind was Urvashi. She plays garba very well and she has a big group to this thought brought smile on my face. Thing was if she can impress me with garba than she surely can make Dhruvi's day. So I asked Urvashi to buy tickets for me and Dhruvi for the next day. Plan was all set and even we both were to.

The next day everything was set me and Dhruvi got ready and reached ghatkopar station where Urvashi was waiting for me and Dhruvi. Finally I would get to see her after a very long time and after soo many ups and downs. The last time I met Urvashi was at bhandup station which ended Urvashi in my arms for the first time. This thought brought a smile on my face. I was fully lost in my though until i saw Urvashi she was wearing a white top with flowers print on it, black jeans, she left her hair lose, little lip gloss making her lips shine, hanky in one hand, phone in other and her spects on her nose. She was looking cute and beautiful than before OK you will think it's cheesy but every time I see her she looked more beautiful. I looked at her face I sensed little anger as we were late but she did not say anything due to presence of Dhruvi. I wish i could hug her may be that could make her little calm. Then we started walking towards the ground where garba was organised. She kept talking with Dhruvi as I was walking besides Urvashi.

It tooke less then 5 minutes that Urvashi and Dhruvi became so close friends as if they were childhood friends. And both of them started pulling my leg and started teasing me. Even Dhruvi who is my sister changed sides and teamed up with Urvashi. She treated Dhruvi as if Dhruvi was her real sister this is the best think about Urvashi she knows to build relations. We reached our destination there was still some time left for the orchestra to start. So we decided to wait at the entrance of the ground for Urvashi's friends to arrive. While chatting with Urvashi's I came to know that her younger sister Khyati is also going to come. My mind started to work on top gear I have impress her any how and what ever it will take. So next thing was I made an excuse to Urvashi and Dhruvi and headed towards a local shop and bought a Cadbury Silk. I kept the chocolate in my pocket so that I can later hand it to Khyati all by myself. If some how Urvashi find that I have chocolate she will surely ask for a bite and I won't be able to deny her. So better to hide it. I handed the chocolate to Khyati and Urvashi got little jealous but it was OK with her. She stood at her place besides Dhruvi as the orchestra was going to start. And as soon as the music began I saw Urvashi her legs were already in motion. Music began pumped up Urvashi eventually pumped up I remembered the day when I saw her for the first time she still had the same energy for playing garba. I took a step aside from where I can have a clear look of her dancing. As I was satisfied watching her dance and see her enjoying soon I too joined Urvashi. Khyati and Dhruvi were also enjoying girls are girls I say they get gel up really fast. After some time I was exhausted and decided to take a power break. So I made a place in the centre of the circle so that she was clearly in my sight. I kept staring at her and fell in love with my princess all ever again. Urvashi was playing all the different steps which suited the music. I must sound a romantic fool but she makes me feel so and I can't help it just feel this feelings.

After some time Urvashi stopped she was having difficulty in breathing. I saw Urvashi and Khyati were also exhausted. I looked around to see the stall's and ran to bring water. I handed 1 bottle to Khyati and Urvashi and 1 to Dhruvi. They all took a small break as they were dancing like crazy. After a small break Urvashi joined the circle again Khyati was still resting besides me. Khyati noticed that I was staring at Urvashi. Khyati asked me 'what are you waiting here for?come on join us' I gave her small smile and joined the circle. Dhruvi was enjoying with Urvashi and she took proper care of Dhruvi. On the other side I kept caring for Khyati. It was like exchange of sisters. I kept talking to Khyati and she too enjoyed my company. What all more am gonna do I don't know but I liked doing it.

After some time Jigii arrived the same guy from Urvashi's college with whom all of Urvashi's friends use to tease Urvashi. It was a surprise for her. Seeing Jigii at first Urvashi froze at her place and then she went running towards him and hugged Jigii. From opposite side I was watching everything I was very jealous and felt heart broken. I started feeling uncomfortable and uneasy. Khyati sensed that I was uncomfortable with something. My mood for playing garba just got flushed off. Jealousy, heart break this feeling hurt like some one is stabbing on my heart with knife. I saw them and then she was so lost in talking with him like they meet after ages.
Urvashi kept talking with Jigii for sometime and than again joined the gang. Amy came beside me and asked me 'what's the matter?' I just smiled and said 'nothing.' At least some one sensed my uneasiness.

I checked the time and it showed 10pm and I had the responsibility to take Dhruvi back home safely. I asked Dhruvi 'do u still want to continue to play or want to head back home?' Dhruvi was tired and so we decided to head back home. I walked towards Urvashi and told her 'Dhruvi is tired and so we are heading home.' She said 'ok' was her only answer I was expecting a hug from Urvashi But when I saw her with Jigii my jealousy grew more and so I just walked outside the ground without giving a look to Urvashi. I was so feeling dumb right or I was expecting alot from her. I pushed all the thoughts away and I saw Dhruvi she was having a slight smile on her face.

On my way back home I asked Dhruvi 'did you enjoyed playing garba?' She replies 'It was awesome fun. I enjoyed playing garba.' 'And what about Urvashi? How is she?' Was my next question. She said 'She is just awesome. I loved being with her. She plays awesome garba. And her nature is just great' I was happy that she enjoyed and it was there first meet I she was happy. As I reaching home I left a message for Urvashi saying 'Don't eat the silk at all its for khyati. Take care of khyati. Inform me as soon as you reach home.' I reached home had my dinner and got fresh.

It was almost mid night I did not receive any reply from Urvashi I got a bit worried. Why haven't she replied me. Is she safe? Or still she is roaming out. All negative thoughts started running in my head. When you care about a person the only thing that matters is the safety of that person.
That very moment my phone beeped. It was from Urvashi. 'Me and khyati have reached home safely. I am very exhausted. Will talk to you in the morning. Gud night. Sweet dreams. Take care.' I felt at relaxed my mind got calm all the negative thoughts just got flew out. I landed in my bed was exhausted but had a big smile. After a long time I had met my princess.
My mind was filled with all the thoughts and memories of the day.
I closed my eyes and started rewinding the scenes in my mind. Everything was still crystal clear in my mind her angry face when we reached late, her dance innovative steps, talking to Dhruvi caring for her, later she hugging Jiggi and chatting with her my jealousy every thing. But sooner my site got blur and I was in my deamland.

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