Chapter 28

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After my thoughts got flushed since last I talked to Urvashi, week had passed, I didn't heard my princess voice. It was almost time for her to cum back to mumbai. One fine morning, I woke up, got freshen up and than connected my phone to wifi. And there was a buzz. I opened the message it say 'good morning baby. I m back home. Would loved to see you soon. Miss you'

What a start of my day I was over joyed seeing her message displaying on my mobile screen. First thing came in my mind after reading the message was now I could talk to her anytime I want day and night, no one will come between us just us. I came out of my dream and replied her saying 'take rest for the day and told her help her mom'.

Day passed with her thoughts, my mind and heart was having battle should I message her or not but finally my heart won and I settled on saying I will let her rest for the day and closed my eyes and went on ride of dreams.

Next day in the evening post dinner, I decided to go for a walk and call my princess. The phone rang twice and the sweet voice hummed in my ears

U: hello, say baby? I was just expecting a call from you.

I: I was kind of missing your voice so I just thought of calling you.

U: You were missing only my voice. I thought you might be missing me as well. How could you?

I: I guess I am missing your voice as well as you its same thing.

U: No they are not. How dare you forgot me mister.

Omg!!!! That sounded a bit of anger. I don't understand how can a girl just swing her mood from hello baby to mister. I guess I need to turn the swing back or else it may land up gifting her some silk chocolates just to convince her. I shakes my thoughts out of my mind and asked her

I: Ok let it be. Tell me what all things you did at your native place?"

U: " Ooohhh... I cant express. I had lots of fun with my cousins. We all met after a long time. And the wedding ceremony was just awesome. Everything went as planned. I even wore a saree for the first time. Will send you the picture so that you can add it to your collection.

I was glad she still knew that I am still collecting her photographs. And I successful swing her mood from anger back to normal. I smiled at myself for the small achievement

I: Ok and what else happened tell me?

U: Everyone out there were complimenting me as well and.....

She took a big pose in between so I just copied her last word

I: And.....?"

U: And there was one aunt from neighbourhood. She came to my mother and asked if they are by chance thinking about my marriage so her son is there well educated and they are looking for a girl.

I: Oh my god. Seriously???

My heart just crashed and broke into pieces. Could this be the end of my journey with her. I can't let her go just like this. My mind just started thinking of all the non sense stuff that could not be real. Thought of her being with someone else other then me hurts me more than anything. I was pulled out of my thoughts by her cheery voice

U: But my parents denied the proposal. As I am still very young to get married. And they know that I am still not ready to take all those responsibilities

For a second my heart just skipped a beat. I was almost choked and was having difficulty in breathing as well, but a relief breath I took and was about to say, but she went on saying...

U: See dear, I guess you should stop dreaming about being with me. I am not the right person who can take care of your heart. So we better stop our feelings hear itself before it grows even further. I don't know what will happen tomorrow. But I can't just play with your feelings any more. I know I will end up in hell for playing with your feelings. I even know that you love me truely from the bottom of your heart. But I don't have the courage to go against my parents.I know in your past you have been hurt by 3 girls and you story with them has ended with the same reason. I wish we could be together forever. But I don't know whats in my fate. So you better take care of yourself."

It took some time for my to register what all she said but as soon as I got what she said, tears rolled down my eyes as I heard her voice as if she was crying as well. I could sense that she had difficulty in talking. I did not understand how to handle this. One side I was broken into pieces and on the other side her valuable tears were rolling down her beautiful eyes. The same eyes which made me lose my senses on the day I first met her at her college gate. But now same eyes were filled with tears of pain and I can feel it. I had promised myself that no matter what happens I will never be the reason for her tears. How could I possibly break my promise I made to myself?

Urvashi disconnected the phone in a very low voice. I guess she was controlling herself from crying on phone. She is hurt because of me, she cares so much for me, she thinks of me, she is holding herself back coz she thinks her feelings will hurt me. Tears still running down my cheeks.

I walked back home with sadness and a fear in my heart. I wiped the tears and entered in my house. Directly walked to my bed and kept my he'd on pillow I was just feelings restless. The bed now felt very hard to sleep on. I kept turing around entire night.

I know I will only feel comfortable when she will be in my arms smiling like there is no tomorrow. But unluckily that was is possible.

Back with new chapter.....

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