Chapter 33

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Jack J Pov.
I had accidentally gone in the wrong lane and I had just missed getting hit by a truck.

My heart was pounding.

I drove the rest of the way home not taking my eyes off the road.

I was in shock.

When I pulled up to the driveway I sat in the car thinking about what had just happened and took a moment to take it all in.

"Jack!" I jumped and looked to my side out the window to see Jack waiting there.

I took a deep breath and turned off the car and took the keys out.

"Everything okay man?" I heard Jack speak as I opened the car door and and hopped out, shutting it behind me.

"Yeah, great." I walked past him inside.

River Pov.
"I'm okay. Let go of me!" I resisted Trevor's touch as we walked to the front of the house.

"I forgot I don't have my key." Ricky spoke.

"It's okay I got it." Sam smiled as he opened the house door and turned on the lights.

"Shit. Why does the place look so clean? We left it in a dump." Trevor looked around.

"Hayes stayed behind and offered to clean the house." Ricky spoke again but avoided eye contact with me.

"Out of guilt I'm guessing." I rolled my eyes as I held my head feeling the lump that had formed from hitting my head so hard.

"He has nothing to feel guilty for. The guy saved you." Kian pushed me and walked away.

Him shoving me just made me break and shout out what I had been holding onto, "I just want a family."  I could feel the tears form in my eyes as everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at me.

"Riv.." Andrea tried to give me a hug but I moved away.

"I just want a family." I repeated.

"We are your family." Jc spoke.

"That's not what I mean!" I yelled out trying to hold in my tears.

No one continued to speak so I began to walk upstairs.

"Come back here!" Kian yelled and I jumped in fright.

I did as told and I came back and stood looking at them all.

"We have given you our all! You don't know how much we have risked to have you in our life! We fucking love you River!" Kian's voice was rising and he was getting angrier.

"Don't yell at me!" I shouted at him.

"You are ungrateful River!" He shouted walking closer to me.

"Kian stop!" Connor shouted.

Kian began coming closer but Jc and Sam held him back.

"I hate you all!" I yelled out and ran up to my room slamming and locking the door behind me.

Very soon I could hear Kian yelling as he ran up the stairs and to my bedroom door kicking and bashing at it.

"Just give her time." I could hear Andrea outside the door talking to Kian.

They soon walked off and I was left looking at my room.

Everything looked cleaned.

I wiped my tears and looked in my wardrobe then my bathroom and then my room. I looked to my desk to see that the photo that I had slammed down was now standing up again.

The photo was of the boys and I about three days after I had found out I was adopted.

I put it face down again but this time being careful with it.

I saw a note in the middle of the desk and I read it.

Hey River,
I'm sorry. I don't know exactly what for but I know I've done something. I just want to say don't hurt yourself. I know I don't have a say and I don't control your life but.. I don't know.

Text me when you read this.

And just after reading that I knew he didn't care anymore.

There were no kisses after his message and he always put kisses.

I took a deep breath and scrunched up the paper throwing it in the bin.

"Whether I like it or not this is my life. This was my life before I knew any better so why let it effect me?" I began talking to myself as I paced around the room blocking out the yelling of the boys and Andrea.

"If I break I'll ruin them all. I can't hurt them they are the closest thing I have to family I got left." I stopped talking when I heard Andrea screaming Kian's name followed by something being smashed.

I open the door and ran down stairs to see everyone looking down to the ground.

I followed their eyes and felt my heart stop.

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