Chapter 40

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River Pov.
I woke up and saw I was now facing towards Jack and he was curled up holding my hand.

I waited a moment and stared at him and smiled to myself thinking about how lucky I was to be able to be in this very position at this very moment.

Soon I got up, making sure I didn't wake Jack and went to the lounge to grab my phone and see if anyone texted me. I had one message from Madison Beer.

Madison: Hey, is everything okay with Jack J? Only asking because Jack G said something happened in the studio today.

I was about to reply back when Jacks phone lit up.

I wasn't one to look through people's phones because I respected others privacy but I needed to know if Jack was okay.

He had twenty-seven missed calls and thirty-three messages all from Jack G. I began to freak out and put his phone down not daring to read what it said.

I texted back Madison.

River: What happened?

Madison replied straight away.

Madison: He kind of just started going off. He kept messing up his lines and mumbling this uhh.. Thing and then he just lost it.

River: What aren't you telling me?

There was a long pause and I looked at the time. It was 8:45pm.

I looked in on Jack to make sure he was still asleep.

Madison: I'm not comfortable texting it through

River: Please.

I could feel the tension.

Madison: It was about your suicide attempt

I paused looking at my screen and then slowly looked towards Jack again.

Jack blames himself doesn't he?

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" I looked up at Jack who was hovering over me on my bed.

The time was 11:30pm and after Jack had gotten up around 9:00pm he looked at his phone and said nothing about it since. I was getting worried.

"Just daydreaming." I spoke and Jack nodded.

"What did you want to do tonight? Watch a movie? Maybe we ca-" I cut Jack off.

"Let's talk."

He began to laugh as he laid down next to me. "Okay, about what?"

"What happened in the studio this morning?" I answered and the room when silent.

"You read my messages." Jack shook his head in disbelief.

"I didn't have to. Madison texted me." I sat up and moved away from Jack.

"Jack told her. I fucking told him not to say anything!" Jack hit at my wall making me jump.

I stood up and away from him.

"Don't look at me like that!" He hit at the wall again and I took another step back.

He began to look at me with hurt in his eyes. "You could have died because of me." Tears began filling his eyes but I didn't move. "If you had succeeded I would have never forgiven myself." Tears quickly trickled down his cheeks and he looked away from me.

"I wasn't thinking." I spoke and it seemed to make him cry more. "Nothing is your fault Jack!"

"Yes it is!" He yelled punching at the wall and standing up near me. "If I had never said anything about stealing your innocence or whatever I said you would have been okay!"

"I was broken before that!" I screamed out straight away. "I started smoking, drinking and I would run away for a couple of nights to parties or hook up with random boys and girls before coming home!" I looked at Jack and he looked more hurt than I had ever seen him. "Don't you see that I've been hurting way before you said anything to me?" I wiped the tears away from my eyes.

"I didn't want to believe that you were in pain!" Jack rushed his hands through his hair.

"This wasn't your fault Jack." I spoke trying to calm myself down with the tears still falling from my eyes.

"It was!" He yelled in my face and walked out the room grabbing his stuff and slamming the front door behind him.

I collapsed to the floor crying into my hands.

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