Chapter 49

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River Pov.
"You wouldn't put the people you love at risk" Sam turned off the car, hopped out and began to walk towards me.

"Obviously you don't know me" I said standing my ground.

"This could be classified as blackmail, is that what you're trying to do?" Sam furrowed his eyebrows.

"I guess it is" I spoke.

"What are you little fuckers getting up to?" Kian began to laugh as he and Jc joined us as we stood on the road.

"Hey guys tell me something if you were going to talk to someone about them hurting the person you love but risk getting in a lot of trouble, would you?" Sam spoke not taking his eyes off me.

"What kind of trouble?" Jc asked.

"Jail time" Sam answered.

"How did the person hurt the one you love?" Jc spoke again.

"He hit her across the face" Sam said.

"Well why would you be askin-" Sam cut off Jc.

"Answer the fucking question!" Sam yelled as he looked away from me and to Kian and Jc.

"Of course, if I really loved her" Jc finally answered.

"Yeah, if I love her that much" Kian agreed.

Sam smiled, "Well thank you because you just made what I'm about to do a whole lot easier" Sam walked to his car and got back into the drivers seat.

"Where are you going?" Kian asked.

"I'll see you guys in jail, I'm sure River will explain." I looked up at Kian and Jc as Sam spoke to them.

They looked so scared.

"And River, I guess this is goodbye." then after Sam spoke he began driving away.

Sam didn't think that I would do it.

He thought I was just some little girl who knew her boundaries and limits but not this time. This time I was not some little girl.

I ran down the driveway and into the house, grabbing my phone that was on the couch before running upstairs to my old room. I went on the balcony and climbed up to the roof and dialled the police.

Operator: Hello, what's your emergency?

River: Um, yes.. Hello. I want to report Sam well not just him I mean all of them.

Maybe I couldn't do it.

Operator: I'm sorry honey, you need to be more specific.

River: Okay.. I've been stolen. I guess you can say I've been kidnapped.

Operator: Do you know where you are?

River: Yes, I'm Lana.

Operator: Lana? That's a really nice name sweetie. Can you tell me your location?

River: No! You're not listening! I'm Lana, you know? The Stolen Girl. The one they have the carnival thing for every year and at the end of the night they shoot off the Lana firework. I'm Lana!

I could hear the deep breaths of the operator.

She probably thought I was crazy.

Operator: I'm sorry sweetie but this line is for emergencies and shouldn't be used for prank calls and what not and you should especially not be joking about someone who has died.

The operator was going to continue talking but I hung up.

"Everyone thinks I'm dead?" I muttered to myself as I laid my head in my hands.

"Were you really about to do that?" I looked up from my hands and followed the voice coming from behind me.

It was Connor.

I didn't answer his question and instead stared blankly at him.

"Were you honestly about to dob us in? Do you know what could have happened to us River?"

"Don't call me that" I mumbled.

"What? By your name?" Connor was getting mad and so was I.

"That isn't my name Connor!"

"Yes it is! Since that day on the bridge it is!" Connor realised he was shouting and tried to tone his voice down, "We could get in to so much trouble River and not only us but every other person you know and love."

"I wasn't thinking"

"You never think!" Connor was fired up and it only made me feel worse about myself.

"Please just leave me alone," I walked pass Connor and began climbing off the roof onto my balcony.

"Where are you going?" Connor asked.

"I'm going home" I answered without looking at him.

"And where's that to you?"

"I'm going to Andreas" I walked inside and down the stairs.

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