Chapter 50

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River Pov.
I realised as I walked out the front door that there was actually no real home for me and now I was just a lost soul.

"Are you okay River?" I looked to see Ricky standing beside me at the top of the drive way.

"I a-" I couldn't talk and instead started to shake. It was like something was taking over my body and I wasn't in control anymore. All I could hear was something shouting at me in my head and it wouldn't stop. It was getting louder and everything around me was getting smaller.

"River, calm down." Ricky tried to reach for me but I resisted. That was the only thing I had control of.


"Kian! Trevor! Someone help!" Ricky was yelling but his yells weren't as loud as what I could hear.

Was I okay?

Suddenly I began running.

I ran and ran and ran and didn't look back and never stopped.

I could see people going about their daily life's. Walking the dog, watering the garden or playing in the park. We were all such plain people in a plain world.

Soon I made it to what seemed to be my destination.

I was on the bridge where my father died and where my mother and I should have died.

I finally knew why I was here and I understood.

I'm not meant to be alive and if I jumped now I would be saving everyone.

I jumped on to the ledge of the bridge and looked down. The river crashed together and I knew if I jumped into it I wouldn't be able to be strong enough to pull myself up and the unseeable rocks below could knock me out or kill me instantly.

Either way I was going to die as soon as I jumped.

"River!" I turned around to see Hayes and Nash hopping out of a car that they left now in the middle of the road and began running to me.

"Don't come near me!" I yelled to both of them. I could feel something wet dripping on my cheek. I wiped my face with my hands and then realised I was crying.

"What do you think you're doing?" Nash tried speaking calmly to me but I just didn't want to hear it.

"River, please don't do something you will regret" Hayes reached out his hand and signalled me to grab it.

"I have regretted so much ! It's definitely too late now!" I yelled at Hayes and turned back to look down at the River.

I could hear Nash calling others.

"All the memories you ever created will be gone! Gone just like that River" Hayes kept talking.

"I don't remember anything before I came to the O2L house! I have no real memories of my real family. I had a loving mum and a loving dad and now that's all gone. I have no memories of anything important anymore!" I sat down slowly on the ledge of that tall bridge, dangling my legs over the edge.

"Okay, what about us? I know we met something." Hayes jumped on to the ledge and sat beside me.

"Hayes you better be fucking careful!" Nash yelled as he continued calling number after number.

"We met nothing! You and all of them lied to me for so long and I just can't take this anymore!" I looked down at the water that crashed together harshly.

"You don't mean that River" Hayes spoke.

"Don't call me that!" I screamed out and the voices in my head were now like sounds when nails scratched a chalkboard.

I held my ears trying to block out the sound but it was no use.

"River!" I noticed more people were coming but I couldn't properly see who, everything in the distance became a complete blur.

"River look at me please. Keep your eyes on me" Hayes grabbed my hands looking me face to face. "Just breath" his words echoed through my head.

But something didn't seem right.

My head was feeling heavier and heavier by the second.

"It's time" I whispered.

"What?" Hayes spoke

I removed his hands off mine, "It's always been you Hayes. I've always loved you."

"River! Please!" I could hear Maggie screaming. I looked to see she was being held back by Jack Johnson.

Everyone watched.

"Why do they care so much?" I whispered to myself.

"Because you mean the world to them" Hayes answered my question.

I looked up at him, "they have better priorities"

"Like what?"


I pushed myself off the edge of the bridge.

I was now falling freely waiting to hit the water when suddenly I took one last look at Hayes.

He was falling too.

I blinked.

Then I hit the water and was immediately knocked out by a rock smashing into my head.

I hope Hayes was okay.

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