Chapter 52

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River Pov.
Have you ever heard the story about the boy that was  in love with a suicidal, teenage girl? Well the whole story is basically that. But by the ending the girl thought he could never be in love with such a monster like herself. So she forced him to hold a gun to her head and pull the trigger. But he wouldn't he was just too in love to ever see her hurt. He tried to fight and resist her until she pulled it herself. She died instantly. He couldn't live without her so he took the gun from her bloody hand, held it to his head and screamed out the words, "Let me love you!" then BANG.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to mourn the passing of Hayes Grier. A beloved Son, Brother and Friend." I looked down at my black dress that fell past my knees as the bishop spoke.

It had been two months since Hayes passed and a month since I had been out of hospital.

While I was in hospital I didn't speak at all but as soon as I got out of that horrid place I locked myself in my new room of Kian and Jcs new house crying my eyes out for the last month.

"You doing okay?" Kian whispered to me.

I nodded.

I distanced myself from a lot of people. I destroyed my iPhone and iPad. I packed up my MacBook Pro Laptop and my iMac Computer and stored them in the basement of the house. I was out of contact with everyone but that didn't make me feel any better.

I spent my days locked in my room crying but if I wasn't crying I was sitting on my bed staring out my window. I barely slept.

Jack J always showed up at the house looking to talk to me but Kian and Jc always pushed him away.

He was standing two rows away from me as we paid attention to the service.

"You're up soon" I looked to my other side to see Jc whispering to me.

I didn't want to come today but I knew it was only the right thing to do since I had killed Hayes and took his innocence.

I slightly smiled to Jc as both Kian and Jc held my hands.

"First speaker will be River Dillon"

I use to hate having Ricky's last name, the only reason I had his last name was because he was the only one in the group that was legal age to sign the papers and give me that name but now it gives me comfort.

"River that's you" Kian reminded me as he tugged me to walk forward.

I walked down the aisle and made my way pass Hayes coffin. I walked up the stairs and to the very front. I could feel everyones eyes on me as I pulled out the speech from my small dress pocket.

I put my lips to the microphone and spoke, "I didn't know Hayes as long as all of you might have but he was the most loving and caring person I-" I looked up from my speech and spotted everyone I wanted to be hiding from.

Nash and the rest of his family, Jack J, Maggie, Andrea and just everyone.

I began to stutter trying to find where I was up to on my page then suddenly I forgot what I had already read.

I looked up at Kian and Jc who sent signals to me telling me just to breathe.

I took a deep breath grabbing the piece of paper and shoving back into my pocket, "I had a whole speech planned out but what is the point of planned words when I can't think straight so I'm just going to go with it."


"I don't remember anything before I was ten but I remember everything after that. I was raised by six amazing boys and without them I would never have met a beautiful boy like Hayes." I stopped looking towards Hayes little sister Skylynn who was in tears. "I remember being called downstairs, so I dropped my favourite Barbie doll and ran as fast as my little legs could go and that's when I saw two amazing and bright eyes staring at me as I walked down the stairs. Hayes introduced himself and I swear from that very moment on I was in love with Hayes Grier. That night he slept over and we played Dinosaurs and Barbies all night." My voice cracked and the tears that I was begging would hold in till the service was over had finally came pouring out.

"The next year I remember we were playing Dinosaurs and Barbies and I said some really mean stuff about Hayes' Dinosaur and he got really upset and I just continued to make fun of him. He never said anything mean to me. That night when he was asleep I woke up and went downstairs to get a quick snack while no one was awake. I finished the whole packet of cookies-" I forced a laugh, "I tried hiding the evidence and went to the bin and opened it and you would have never guessed what I saw, It was Hayes' favourite dinosaur. I went back to bed pretending I hadn't seen a thing" Mostly everyone was in tears now.

"The next year we were both in the same class at school. We would always hang out. You could never see us apart. All the kids would make fun of us saying stuff like: 'Hayes and River sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G'  We would usually just laugh it off but Hayes used to take it more to heart. He got bullied a lot and I remember this one time seeing him getting kicked to the ground by these bullies while I was with these group of girls that I had finally made friends with and they said to me: 'Are you going to go help your little boyfriend' and while Hayes looked to me with blood running down his nose I turned away and laughed saying: 'He wishes' "

I kept thinking to myself as I spoke how terrible of a person I was.

"The following year we were both finally thirteen. Hayes began to be home school and I felt so alone at school. I remember stopping by his house one day after a terrible day at school and began to yell at him for no serious reason. Saying that he was: worthless, stubborn and no one cared about him. I did care about him. I was being too stubborn to realise Hayes didn't do anything at all and he left school because of the bullying. But I continued to fight with him until I had enough and slapped him across the face."

Everyone looked sad but angry at me.

Kian ran on stage beside me holding the microphone so no one could hear us talking, "Get off stage now"

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