Chapter 53

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River Pov.
"No, I haven't finished!" I pushed Kian away and began to speak again.

"Now last year, maybe this one was the worse of all. No one knows the real truth! You all assume it was Hayes but it wasn't. It was Summer Break and I had just got taken out of school and started homeschooling and had my heart broken by some guy who was a sophomore" I forced a laugh again remembering a guy who I met nothing to.

"I broke into some alcohol at the Janoskians house and got pretty drunk. Then I took Taylor Caniffs car from the party and crashed it into the O2L house. Hayes was in the house picking up some stuff he had left there before heading back to the party. He lied to you all saying he was the one who got drunk and crashed it. I had no broken bones or scratches so there was no proof I could of done it. Hayes took me to my room to sleep then he went back to the car and sat in the passengers seat. He ripped his clothes and took a piece of glass and gave himself cuts then called for an ambulance and waited until they came."

I looked towards all the O2L boys and I had never seen them so disappointed in me.

"Now this year a lot has happened that I won't ever get to take back but the one that stands out is this necklace that he gave me at my birthday party." I pulled out the pinky promise necklace from under my dress.

I found both of the necklaces hidden in a box while I unpacked a few weeks back.

"He told me that he pinky promised me that he will keep me safe. He did that. That he will love me forever. I trust that. That he will never leave me. He broke that." I could tell my makeup was ruined from all this crying.

I knew that after this day on everyone will hate me for the rest of their lives.

"I just want to say sorry Hayes for everything I put you through and I can't believe you could still love me through all of it. But I love you so so much Hayes and I will never love another like I love you." I walked off stage and stood in front of Hayes open coffin and took out the other necklace and laid it on him.

"Please don't hate me" I whispered to him pushing his hair out of his face then kissing him softly on his forehead.

I then joined Kian and Jc again not daring to look at anyone else in the room.

"Well that was very moving.. I would like to now introduce our second speaker, one of Hayes' brothers, Nash Grier." The man walked off stage and everyone waited for Nash to get up on stage but he couldn't walk pass Hayes' open coffin.

The crowd continued to wait as he stood in silence but suddenly he turned around walking down the aisle and through the church doors.

Andrea chased after him.

I watched as everyone didn't know where to turn or what to say.

I looked to Kian who watched the love of his life run out the church doors chasing the love of her life.

Stolen - O2L FanfictionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora