Chapter 3: "T-Tarzan?"

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"Are you sure that's enough?" Jungkook asked me from across the table. We were eating lunch which was a brunch for me because I woke up pretty late. I just gave him a nod and took my one last bite. "You don't look okay to me Aera. You can tell me stuffs you know," he uttered with a worried face. I gave him an okay sign to assure him.

"Fine. Just tell me when you need things." He sighed. I continued munching my food and gulp it down as I stand from my seat. "Thanks for the food, I'll be upstairs," I waved a little.

I sat on my bed trying to recall what happened yesterday. It was the reason why I could not get any sleep last night, I sighed. "Maybe a long shower can clear my mind," I mumbled entering my bathroom.

I was in the bath for half an hour, I wanted to stay a little more but my wounds are starting to hurt. I walk towards my closet to get clothes when the face of the man yesterday flashed in my mind. I shivered remembering his vicious eyes looking at me. I sighed, it seems like the long shower I took didn't help at all.

I changed in the bathroom, it's been a habit of mine since Jungkook appears from nowhere quite often. I ended up wearing sweatpants and sweater and as for my hair I put it on a messy bun. I closed the bathroom door when I heard a loud noise just inside my room. I quickly turned around to see the balcony doors wide open, which was odd because I don't remember opening it before.

I just shrugged trying not to scare myself thinking it was just Jungkook's doing. I walk to the bedside table to get my phone. I checked my notifications for something new but it just keep on reloading. I sighed, "Ugh signal."

I put my phone back on the table when I noticed some dirt on the floor near under my bed. It looked like a soil and some tiny rocks. It seemed like a trace of dirt as I look to the direction where it came from.

It was from the balcony. "Oh shit" I felt scared as I quickly ran to the closet to get the wooden baseball bat. Yes, I brought this just for safety reasons like what's happening right now. We'll never know what happens living near the jungle.

I was holding the baseball bat with much grip on it. I was totally shaking but I needed to find out what is it under my bed. I slowly kneel on the floor and bend my head sideways to see what's under my --- It's a dark body figure, wait it seemed a little familiar. The body moved a little revealing his face.

Oh my God! he was the same man from yesterday. He slowly went out under my bed and crawled towards me. My body stiffened like what happened yesterday but I'm so scared he might hurt me now. He was about to touch me with confused eyes when I screamed.

"H-HELP! JUNGKOOK HELP ME!!" My scream startled the man who backs away quickly that he hit his head on the board of my bed.

Jungkook rushed to my room and opened the door seeing me on the floor with an unknown man infront of me. We both look to Jungkook's direction, he was obviously shock and his mouth was wide open.

"Holy shit-- Is that an intruder!?" He shouted rushing to my side. "Aera, are you hurt?" He asked trying to protect me from the unknown creature. He grab the baseball bat I'm holding and point it towards the man in front of us.

The man looked so mad like he was ready to bite Jungkook and he did. Jungkook groaned in pain but managed to hit him with the bat and gathered his strength to push him off the wall. The man hit his head on the wall and fell on the floor unconscious.

I rushed to Jungkook to see his wound. The man bite his arm and it was bleeding. "Oh God, we need to treat this now," I uttered in panic running to get the first aid kit. The maids heard the noise and ran to my room.

"Oh my God, what happened? Miss Aera and Jungkook are you okay?" one of the maids asked worriedly. "I'm okay, but Jungkook's not. I'll treat his wounds so please take that man downstairs and treat his wounds," I instructed as I focused on applying the bandages to Kookie. The maids then gathered to bring the man downstairs. "Hold on, Tie him up before he wakes up. He's dangerous," Jungkook added and the maids nod in response leaving my room.

"Do we really have to tie him up?" I asked almost done with treating Jungkook's wound. "Are you seriously asking me that, he almost hurt you didn't he?" He asked looking straight at me.

As I recall from what has happened that man never hurted me. In fact he saved me from the snake in the forest. I was just really scared of him but he never did anything to hurt me. "N-No. He didn't hurt me. In fact he saved me yesterday from a snake in the forest," I stuttered.

"Are you nuts Aera? Did you hit your head? He's a stranger for pete's sake plus he looked like a wild beast and he even bite me," Jungkook stated with a little madness in his voice.

"Yeah but maybe he was just scared like an animal instinct to protect their selves. He became wild when he saw you pointing the bat at him," I explained. "Seriously, Aera?" Jungkook glared at me leaving my room. I sighed, what am I even saying. It's just that I saw his eyes look so scared.

Later that day, it was past 8pm when we gathered in the living room examining the unknown man sitting on a wooden chair tied up and unconscious. "What do we do with him?" I asked sitting on the couch beside Jungkook. "I tried to call the cops but the signal is shit. I'm starting to feel like as if we live in a deserted island," Jungkook replied.

"Trust me, I had the same thoughts" I stood up eyeing the man tied up on the chair. Honestly, he looked pitiful. "Everyone, what happened today will remain between us. No one shall dare to tell my father" I professed. "What? are you crazy? Then what do we do with him?" Jungkook asked standing up from the couch.

"We'll let him stay until he wakes up and explain the reason behind his actions" I replied. "Explain? From what I had seen earlier, he behaves like an animal so he probably can't talk. Besides, is he the tarzan guy you were saying last night? Jungkook added. Before I could even reply we heard a faint voice coming from the unknown man's direction.

"T-Tar.. zan"

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