Chapter 26: Scheme

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I woke up early, actually I didn't really have much sleep all night thinking about dad's words. I knew sooner or later I'll be facing the wedding. Never knew those arranged marriage plots I read in novels would be happening to me for real.

Shall I run away wearing my wedding dress too? Like what those heroines in dramas do. I think that's a good idea but for sure my dad will find me anyway. How about I talk to Taehyung? Nah, We haven't really talk since the incident from his condo.

"How about you elope with Jimin?" Jungkook suddenly speak leaning on my bedroom's door.

"Gosh Jungkook when will you ever learn to knock?" I glared. " I did knocked but you were too immersed in thinking ways to stop the wedding" he chuckled. "H-How did you know?" I asked looking at him. "Aera seriously, you're muttering your thoughts out" he replied that made me sigh.

"I heard your conversation with your dad last night and he even instructed me to lessen your interactions with Jimin" Jungkook further explained walking in to my room. "I was wondering how did Dad found out about me hanging out with Jimin, Please don't tell me it's you" I muttered looking at him in the eyes.

"Oh come on Aera, You know I support you together with Jimin. I would never tell your dad about it unless someone did" He replied. "And who would that be?" I asked.

"Taehyung" he muttered.

"No, I'm not really sure but I feel like he won't. Something happened the last time I saw him and I saw how hurt he was, I doubt that he would tell it to my dad" I replied shaking my head. "Okay then, if it's not Taehyung then someone must have tell it to your dad who might be actually working for him" Jungkook explained.

"Like a spy?" I asked and Jungkook nodded."I see, that really is considerable knowing dad" I sighed. "So what's your plan about the wedding? He asked and I give him a shrug. "I guess I'll be a run away bride"

"How about my suggestion" he said. "To elope with Jimin?" Jungkook gave me a nod as I chuckled. "Are you crazy? Our dads would eventually find us anyway" I replied. "Aera, you're not gonna elope with Jimin for a long time. What I meant is to spend time with Jimin before your wedding day. It could be a week or some days then return since we both know the wedding is unstoppable at this point unless some miracle happens" he explained.

"I guess I'll do that but spend time where?" I asked. "I'll drive you both to a camping place a little far from the city" he said. "How about the countryside we've been?" I suggested but Jungkook shake his head. "Aera don't you get it? Someone is tracking you and Jimin and he'll be telling it to your dad. I was instructed to do things that would not let you meet with Jimin but since your wedding is near. I'm willing to risk my job to help you out. I'll take you two there and do my best to cover up for your dad" Jungkook said.

I was so touched with his words, Jungkook wasn't only a childhood friend and a butler but he's also like a brother to me. But he's doing too much, "I don't want you to risk your job. You can tell dad that I escaped from your watch. Don't get in trouble, please" I pleaded.

"It's okay Aera, I'll do my best in reasoning so we don't get caught so how's our plan?" He grinned. "Sounds good to me, I'll message Jimin to prepare and to keep it a secret" I replied grabbing my phone from  my bedside table.

I called Jimin telling him our plan and he agreed already preparing his things. "So how was it?" Jungkook asked. "He agreed, he said he wanted to tell me something too so the trip was a great idea" I replied smiling. "Good, we'll leave tomorrow morning" He said walking to the door.

"Jungkook!" I called out.

"Yeah?" he asked turning to me. 

"I just wanna say, Thank you" I smiled.

"Anything for you Aera" he smiled back.


So yeah I just came to tell you guys that the story is nearly ending ~

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