Chapter 20: Drunk and broken hearted

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As Jungkook drive I tried calling Taehyung plenty of times but he doesn't answer. "Are we going to Taehyung's house?" Jungkook asked looking at the road. "No, I'm sure he's not there since Jimin moved in remember." I said as I think of a place where Taehyung would be.

"Hey, aren't you friends with his butler Hoseok?" I asked looking at Jungkook. "Yeah. wait Let me just call him-- 

"No let me do it. Just focus in driving" I said interrupting Jungkook as I get his phone and search for Hosoek in the contacts. I found it and quickly pressed the call buttion. "Please pick up.." I muttered waiting for him to answer.

The line connected and Hoseok finally speak." Hello?"

"Hey I'm sorry for the sudden call but this is Aera. Jungkook's friend and we badly need to know where Taehyung is right now. Do you know?" I asked not wasting time.

"Oh, I know you. You're young master's fiancee right?" He clarified. "Yes that's me. Do you know where he is?" I replied.

"Yes. Right now he's in the pub at the street *** I've been convincing him to go home but he wouldn't listen." Hoseok explained. "Please stay with him. We'll be there in a minute." I said feeling worried.

"Oh okay, Thank you Ms. Aera." Hoseok replied. "It's okay, please wait for us." I said ending the call.

"He's in the pub at street ***." I told Jungkook as he nod and drive to the pub I was saying. A few minutes later we reached the pub and parked in front. I quickly get off the car and went in. I spotted taehyung sitting on the counter with his head resting on the table. His butler Hoseok was sitting beside him.

I hurriedly walk to them as Hoseok noticed me. "Ms. Aera I'm so sorry to trouble you." Hoesok apologized. "No it's okay. This is partially my fault so please let me help." I replied as I tap Taehyung who's barely awake.

"Tae, let's go." I said looking at him. As Taehyung noticed me he quickly hugged me. "Aera.." He muttered. I can smell the alcohol in him. "Tae you're drunk let's go home." I said patting him in the back. 

"I don't wanna go home." He whined. "Tae, you shouldn't be drinking and for Pete's sake it's still mid day. Let's leave the pub come on!" I suggested as Hoseok helped me drag Taehyung out of the pub.

We succeed convincing  Taehyung to leave as he gets inside Hoseok's car. "I'm not going back to dad's house with that Jungle boy." He said looking serious. "Then where do you wanna go?" I asked as I sat beside him. "In my condo." He replied.

"I'll drive him there. Thank you Ms. Aera." Hoseok said as he sit on the driver's seat and start the car's engine. As I was about to get off the car Taehyung grab my arm. "You're coming with me." He said looking straight in my eyes. "But Young master." Hoseok argued. 

"It's okay Hoseok, I needed to talk with him anyway." I said getting in the car. I quickly text Jungkook to go home since I'll go with Taehyung.

Hoseok drive us to Taehyung's condo and helped me carry him to his room. He then left us to return to Namjoon's house. "Please call me if anything happens." Hoseok said giving me his number.

"I will, Thank you." I replied. I went back to Taehyung to see him sleeping in the couch. I silently walked to him and pat his head. "I know it's a mess but I hope you feel better soon."

I took care of him since he's drunk. I wipe a wet cloth on his head and hands to cool him. I also prepared medicines for headache when he wakes up cause I know he'll be in hungover. 

2 hours passed and Taehyung woke up. I was in the kitchen preparing food for him when he called me. "Aera.." He said standing near the kitchen counter.

"Oh you're awake. How are you feeling?" I asked walking near him. "He pulled me into a hug and mumbled "I'm sorry." "What? What are you saying Tae?" I asked breaking the hug.

"I was the one who called your father to start the preparations for the wedding." He confessed. "But why?" I asked looking straight in his eyes. "Because I was confused. Hearing those words from my dad I was just.. I was afraid to lose you. I was afraid that Jimin will take you away." He said looking away.

"But Taehyung you know my feelings. I just can't lie to myself anymore. I like--

Taehyung cupped my face and kissed me. I was shock from his sudden movement but I quickly move to get out from his grip. But I failed, Taehyung was too strong. He pulled back from the kiss and cornered me on the wall.

"Why? Why can't you love me?" He asked looking hurt. 

"I can make you happy just choose me, Aera. Choose me!" He nearly shouted as he tried to kiss me again but I block him with my hand. "Stop it Tae, you're drunk." I said as tears fall down from my cheeks. "I'm serious Aera! Look at me!" He shouted cupping my face again as he kissed me for the second time.

I burst into tears as I couldn't get out  from his grip. But I gathered my strength and push him away."I don't love you. And I won't marry you," I said leaving his room as tears continue to fall on my cheeks.

Taehyung stayed in his position feeling hurt from the statement of the woman he loves.

Taehyung stayed in his position feeling hurt from the statement of the woman he loves

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A/N That's it I'm gonna join the story and take Taehyung away lol jk  I'm so sorry Taehyung :'( It's nearly your birthday and I swear I really love you a lot but this fanfic is for Jimin.  //cries  
Ghad I hate myself why did I have to create this chapter  

//cries again

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