1. Silver eyes

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Words: 1115

Love is overrated.  People talk about meeting their mates one day and that they'll live a long happy life together. In my world, that's bullshit. I do not believe in love or soulmates. Even though I'm a werewolf or to be correct a hybrid.


My name is Olivia Jorgensson and I'm a hybrid. You probably don't recognize my last name and that's because it's scandinavian. My mother is from Sweden and that's why. I also speak fluent swedish and sarcasm.

I'm a hybrid. Half werewolf, half vampire. When I first realized that I was a hybrid, I freaked out. I mean, if you live in a werewolf 'world' where vampires are despised. You wouldn't want people to know that you're half vampire. Or so I thought. When I first told my parents they were shocked and they didn't believe me, so I showed them.

I showed them my 'real' eyes. A werewolves 'real' eyes are yellow like the sun and the vampires real eyes are violet like the flower. My real eyes are silver. Sparkling silver and after I showed them they took me to the Alpha and the Luna. I exposed my eyes for them and the were also very suprised to see what I am.

People don't like hybrids because they are intimidated by us. We are stronger and faster than any werewolves and vampires. There are only a handful of hybrids in the world and I'm one of them. Cool right? I can even take down an Alpha in my human/vampire shape. If I can do that in my human form, think what I can do in my werewolf form.

Silver? Wolfsbane? A bite from a werewolf? A pole through my heart? Nothing of that can hurt me.

You might think that I'm immortal, but no, I'm not. I age just as fast as normal werewolves. You might also think that I can't bear any children 'cause I'm half vampire, but I can.

I've told you my name and what I am. So here's a little more..... I have long brown hair that falls in big curls over my back and I have a blonde loop of hair on the left side of my hair. It's natural and I don't know how I got it, but it's quite cool.

My 'normal' eyes are blue like the ocean and my 'real' ones are sparkling silver. Werewolves can hide their real eyes if they want to and I often do. I hide them from others because I don't want strangers to know who or what I am. Being a hybrid is my biggest strenght, but it's also my biggest weakness.

I'm quite tall. 5'11 inches actually and some men feel intimidated by my height. I love being tall. It gives my the opportunity to look down on people.

I'm seventeen years old and I'll be eighteen in two weeks. That sucks. It means that I will meet my mate. That word tastes bad in my mouth. Yuk.

My family is quite normal. It consists of me, my mother, my father and my two older brothers. Nothing special really. Only that my whole family speaks swedish, so when we need to speak about something serious or something important we talk swedish.

No one but my family, the Alpha and the Luna knows about me being a hybrid.....


I'm currently walking towards the pack training with my best friend by my side. We've been best friends since we were born.

His name is Kyle and he's like a third brother for me. I love him with my entire heart. Kyle doesn't know about what I am, but I hope that I'll be able to tell him one day. I'm thrown out of my thoughts when Kyle sling his arm around my shoulder.

"So......" he says slowly eyeing me from the side.

"So what?" I question him turning my face towards him.

"It's your birthday in two weeks" he says and squeals by my side, making small weird noises.

"I know..." I say in a bitter voice and sigh.

" Why aren't you excited about you turning eighteen?" he asks taking his arm of my shoulder, his mood changing from happy to worried.

"You know the reason, don't play dumb with me Kyle" I respond and look straight into his brown eye.

He looks away from me and keeps on walking. I hear him mumble a 'mate' or something and than he walks away from me. Weird.


I grab my black sweater and pull it over my head. After the pack training the Alpha said that he wanted to talk to me, so here I am, getting ready to go to the Alpha. I look myself in the mirror one last time before I grab my phone. I go downstairs and put on my black vans.

"Mom, dad! I'm going now" I yell and soon I see my mom coming towards me. She pulls me in for a hug and I immediately hug her back. Weird. Why is everybody acting so wierd today?

She lets go of me and I make my way out of the house. I begin walking towards the packhouse. My family and I, we don't live in the pack house anymore. When the Alpha found out about me, he ordered us to move to into a house, not so quite far away from them. But I still feel like an outsider sometimes. The Alpha said it would be for the best. He said it would more safe for my family and I. I wouldn't risk getting caught or something that would expose me.

I can now see the lights from the pack house. Suddenly a faint smell of blood makes it way up my nose. I'm immediately on high alert. I hear a stick snap behind me and a loud growl. I don't need to turn around to know that it's rouges. Fucking shit fuck. I'm so not ready for this.

I do the first thing that comes to my mind. I run. As fast as I can and in seconds I'm right outside the packhouse. I swing the door open and rush inside. Some of the people inside look at me like I'm insane. I ignore them and keep on walking towards the Alphas office.

I knock on the door and wait for an answer. Nothing. I knock again and harder this time. This time I hear a small 'come in'. I open the door more carefully this time, not wanting to make him angry. I close the door behind me and turn around. Just as I do my eyes look with two green ones. They do not belong to the Alpha.


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