24. Death

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Words: 2115

I'm woken up by someone shaking my shoulders roughly. I quickly open my eyes in panick. My eyes travel over the room, until they land on the person standing in front of me. My eyes lock with a pair of dark blue ones and it's Mason. He's standing over me with fear in his eyes. His face is pale and his eyes are almost light blue out of fear. 

"They've attacked" He says backing away from the bed, bringing his hands to his head. He places his head between his hands. 

"They took her. They took her" He keeps on reapeting the same thing on and on. 

"Who did they take?" I ask him with a calm voice. I throw the covers of my body and stand up to my feet. I run over to the window and search the lawn. Blood. Blood cover the lawn and wolves and humans are laying their completaly still. There are still pack members fighting the ones that attacked us, but I can see how they're losing. 

"Ina. They took her away from me and I couldn't save her!" He yells out in frustration, tugging on his hair.

"Come on, let's go" I say to him turning my body away from the window.

I sprint towards the door and grab Mason's arm, pulling him with me out of the room. We both run as fast as we can down the corridor and down the stairs. Screams and cries fill the air as we run down the hallway and towards the door. I feel Mason's presence behind me and I swing the door open. 

We both run out of the building. My scenses are occupied by the smell of blood. The queen is standing behind the royal guards, looking very frustrated. I follow where she is looking and she's looking at a big golden brown wolf fight three rouges at the same time. I guess he's the king. 

One of the rouges bites him in his left leg and the king lets out a growl of pain. When he does the two other rouges try to attack him by lunging at him. I quickly look to my left where I thought Mason stood, but he isn't. He's of fighting other rouges. 

I run with full speed towards the king and the rouges. In a matter of seconds I'm standing right behind the rouge, who is trying to bite the king in his neck. I grab his neck with my hands and I throw him forward. His body collides with a big tree and he lets out a whimper. 

Another rouge is trying to bite the king in his neck, while he's still lying on the ground. I move around them and grab him by his belly throwing him away with not much force. His body collides with the ground and he rolls of into a tree. He lets out a howl of pain and lies down on the dusty ground.

I swiftly turn around to look how it's going for the king and when I do the rouge that I threw into the tree, lunge at me with his teeth on full display. I quickly dodge his attempt and step to the right. Letting his body fall down on the ground. Before he can stand up, I run over to him and place my hands around his neck. I snap his neck without hesitation and a sick crack is send out in the air. I let his body go limp underneath me and I step over him. His eyes are still open when I leave him. 

My eyes land on the big golden brown wolf who is standing in front of me with a rouge between it's jaws. It's the king. He lets the rouge's body fall limp from his jaws and he looks up at me. He nods at me in thanking way. I send him one in return and he runs of to probably fight the last rouges that are left.

That's when I hear a familier voice scream. A sweet scent embraces my scenses and I relax from it. It's mom. She is the one who is screaming. I turn my body around the see where it's coming from. My eyes land on a female who is crouching down over a few bloody bodies. She has her head between her hands and she is crying hysterically, almost like she can't stop.

I feel a sharp pain in my chest. It's not physical pain, it's emotional pain. I take a few step forward feeling how to pain gets worse. I shiftmy stare from mom to the bodies that are lying in front of her. As I do I feel how my family bonds starts to break away from me. I look closer at the bodies and that's when I see it. Dad, Carter and Oscar is lying there completaly still. They're bloody and the all have slashes over their stomach and troats. 

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