15. Warriors

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Words: 1803

A few weeks has past since the day Jason and I got involved in a fight. I told him for days how much I regretted doing it and he continued to say that it was as much as his fault as mine. During these weeks have I been getting along with the pack and everybody seems to like me, except her. Gwen. I think she has something against me. Well I do have something against her, it would be weird if I didn't. She is dating my mate and calls her his. They are on each other all the time, kissing, touching each other and I've felt them do it more since I got, then during these past months. It hurts.

I've been training the pack these weeks and they've improved very much. They are so much better to fight and defend themselves. I even think some of them can take down rouges on their one, but let's not get ahead of ourselves. I've also taught them to use their senses more. Hearing. Smell. Touch. Everything.

He has taken some distance from me these few weeks and I understand why. He doesn't want to be around me because I disgust him in many ways. I feel the same about him.


The cold liquid makes it's way down my dry throat and cools my senses. The humid air in the room makes my sweat run down my checks, making wet stripes along my check and down my neck. I take another sip out of the glass and place it down in the silver sink. The sun makes it way into the kitchen and onto my face, making me peer through the window.

The training just ended and everybody left for the breakfast, except for me. I went into the kitchen to grab a glass of cold water. The training section went quite alright, everybody was fighting very good today, except on girl. She looked very unhappy during practice and her eyes were red and puffy, almost like she had been crying. I wonder what's wrong? Maybe  one of her family members is ill or died. I got to ask her.

I walk out of the kitchen with the intentions to talk to girl from practice. My feet move across the kitchen floor, making echoes fill the room. I push the door open and walk into the large dining room that is filled with pack member chatting about their lives. My eyes scan the room, searching after the girl from before. After my eyes have scanned the room and I haven't gotten a glimpse of her. I look again and now I remember the girls that she came with to the training. They are sitting on a long eight-people table, talking to each other.

I walk over to their table and sit down in the free spot, that I quest is saved for her. They all turn their heads towards me and when they see it's me, smiles break out on their faces. They are all very beautiful and good looking.

"Hey girls, where is your friend. The one with the blonde hair?" I question in a gentle voice, trying to sound nice.

They all exchange glances and some of them shakes their heads slightly. I frown and tilt my head to the side.

"I just want to make sure she's alright, nothing else" I assure them, giving them all a small smile. One of the girls, a redhead led girl with blue eyes, tilts her head towards me and whispers something to my ear.

"She's in her room, second floor, number 17, probably crying, because her mate... rejected her this morning" she says and I hear that she has a hard time saying the word "rejected"

"Oh my" I say and stand up. I don't understand why this keeps happening to people. Why do you reject someone who was chosen to be yours. Chosen by the moon goddess. Unbelievable.

"I'll see you girls tomorrow" I say and give them a slight nod. They all return it and soon continues to chat. I look back at them just before I exit the room and they all have a sad look on their faces.

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