42. Grabbing

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Marcus' POV

Words: 1078

It feels like the time around us has stopped. The birds in the pinewoods have stopped chriping and the sun is almost gone over the horisont. Making the moon rise from it's darkness. The way  her body moves makes me weak to my kness. Her gentle movements.

She slows down when we reaches the lake and sits down waiting for me to sit with her on the cliff edge. As I sit down her fur disappears and is replaced with her soft olive skin. Her naked body stands beside mine and I can't resist staring at her. She takes two long step out from the cliff and she's falling down towards the cold water.

The cliff is around 32 feet high, so the fall will probably make you you brake a bone or two if you don't land perfectly. I let out a yelp as I watch her body disappear into the water. She brakes the surface and the water brings her body down into it. I shift without thinking and my feet leave the cliff faster than I have time to think about it. 

My hands colide with the water as I dive into it's darkness. My lungs fill with air when I reach the surface. My eyes scan the the cliffs around me but nothing, she's not here. 

"Olivia!" I scream out as I duck under the water, trying to see her but it's imposible when it's dark outisde and the sun won't light the water up. My heart is up in my throat and I begin to panick. 

What if she hit her head?

Maybe she lies down on the bottom trying to get up?

I'm pulled down under the surface, making me choke on the water flushing down through my mouth. The small tingles errupt around my wrist and I open my eyes trying to see her through the water, but nothing. It's to dark. 

Her laughter echo all over the still lake and I twist my head to where it's coming from. She's standing there on the small opening to a beach, laughing so hard that she has to clutch her stomach. 

"Huh. You think this is funny? Scaring me to death?" I yell to her as I swim towards her. She nods her head instead of answering me because she's laughing to hard. I'm close enough to the beach so that I can stand up. My worried expression turns into a smirk. 

I scream and duck under the surface, trying to make it look like I'm drowning. I can hear her stop laughing and her the water splash as she runs thorugh it, trying to get to me. Her small hands grab my shoulders bringing me up again. She frowns when she realizes that I played her, like she played me. 

"Oh. That wasn't fun was it?" I say to her with a smirk on my face. She rolls her eyes at me and she knows I don't like when she does that because I think it's a sign of disrespect. I grab her back bringing her closer to me, grabing her bum in my hands. She sucks in her breath as I squeeze it harder. 

"No" She says as her frown turns into a smile. Her hands colide with my chest, pushing me down into the water. 

She's already on the beach laughing as she starts to run into the forest. I force my body through the water and up on the beach. Her footsteps aren't light this time when she runs. They are harder against the ground and I start to run in her direction. My eyes focus on her body and they travel down over her back and stops at her bun. 

Two big red hand marks are pasted on her butt. I smile at myself with pride but also with a little remorse. I mean, I must've grabbed it really hard then and I hope she doesn't gets to mad when she sees them. 

My light feet travel over the dirty ground and I starts to get closer to her. I push myself to run faster and in one swift movement I have her in my arms. I throw her over my shoulder and she laughs at me and yelps when I hit her butt with the other hand. 

"Hey! Of limits" She tries to sound serious but she only ends up laughing at the whole situation. 

"Olivia you know you're mine and I can touch you whenever and whereever I want right?" I question her as she lies over my shoudler.

"Yeah whatever" 

I continue to walk back to the castle with her over my shoulder. She tries to get me to put her down and she says that she can walk on herself, but if I know Olivia as good as I think I do. then I know that she's gonna run again. 

We reach the exit of the forest and right before we're about to step out completaly naked, I spot a pile of clothes laying at the nearest tree. The scent of my mom still lingers in the air and I guess she's the one who put them here for us. 

"Thank you" I put Olivia down on the ground and throw a oversized t-shirt and a pair of underwear to her. She grabs them and puts on the shirt first. It falls down right abow her knees and she grabs the light pink undies that my mother got for her. 

I pull on a shirt and a pair of jeans as I watch her pull her panties on. She lets out a whimper as she pulls them over her bum and a pridefull smirk grows on my face. Her smile is long gone and is replaced with a pout. 

"You did that" She says and points at me. 


Whaaaaatttt'sssssss up!?

Okay, so... Which country do you guys come from?

Love, Ebba.

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