16. Rejection

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Rejection is one of the worst things that I've experienced. It feels like half of your soul is being ripped away from you and there's nothing that you can do to stop it. The one that was chosen for you and only you doesn't want to be with you. He or she rejects you and I don't understand how anybody could do that. The pain is excruciating, like your hole body is on fire, burning every part of your body. A rejection can kill.

Sky and I took Masons car and Devons credit card to the closest city and we are planning on going on a shopping spree. We have been driving for fourth minutes and we are still talking about our lives, trying to ignore the fact that we've both been rejected by our soulmates. But I'm especially trying to not talk about that kind of stuff for her sake, her wound is still fresh and putting the salt in it would only make things worse.

We pull op onto the parking lot and drive around trying to find a free spot. The search for a spot takes a while put we finally find one and we park the car. I turn of the engine and grab the car keys and my cap, jumping out of the car. Sky does the same and meets me at the back of the car with a smile on her face. I put it on and hook my arm with hers and we start to walk towards the big entrance of the mall.


Sky and I are standing with two big piles of clothes in our hands, waiting to get into the dressing rooms. I think we've taken every garment that you can take and we giggled every time we took another garment.

Sky is a very sweet and innocent girl. The way she talked to the staff in the shop just made my heart break. She smiled and laughed with them as they made their dry and prepared jokes. Sweet as honey. She deserves so much more in life.

When it's our turn to test our clothes we take dressing rooms that are beside each other, so that we can look at what the other is trying and we can give each other advice. It's been a while since I was out like this and I really enjoy it. Not having to be alert on all times. Just a girls day at the mall. Simple and nice.

"You found something?" Sky asks through the stall and I can hear her struggling to get out of some shirt because she's grunting and moving around in the dressing room.

"No, not yet! How bout you?" I respond picking up a pink summer dress from the floor.

"Yeah, actually I found a lot and I'm not even through half of the clothes I picked out" she answers laughing at the same time. I hear more moving in her dressing room and I decide to try the pink dress.

I remove the blue sweater that I'm wearing and throw it on the ground and take it of the hanger. I place the hanger on a hook and drag the dress over my head.

I look myself in the mirror. I look.... Different in a sweeter way. I look more like a girl and not like someone who just returned from a war. I've never worn something like this. I'm always wearing clothes that hang around my figure, sloppy clothes.

The pipping sound of a payment is heard and I put the credit card in my pocket, then I grab my shopping bags and Sky grabs her and we walk out of the shop. Sky bought more things then me and she was quite nervous when we looked at all the clothes, but I told her that it was alright.

We are walking with our shopping bags in our hands to the food court. We are both very hungry and I could tell by her face that she is graving some food right now, so we hurry.

The smell of many different foods make their way up nose and my stomach starts to grumble. Sky and I look at each other and we begin to laugh.

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