22. Rouges

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Words: 1920

The moonlight shines through my old dusty rags to curtains and hits my in the face. The night is chilly and mysterious, making it harder for my wolf to resist a run.  My ocean blue eyes flutter open, meeting the moonlight. The moon is almost full and that means that it'll be a full moon soon.

Full moons are a dangerous thing, but also a beautiful thing. The beauty in werewolves running free in the woods, howling and playing around. That's how I like to see it, but that's just a small piece of the entire full moon thing. Most werewolves goes crazy from the moonlight and runs of into the woods, where it can be very dangerous. Rouges running around, sneeking up on pack members and probably killing them. That's why I have ordered to have well trained wolves, who can resist the moonlight, to run in pairs through the woods to make sure that no one will get attacked.

I'm going to run alone in the woods when it's the full moon. I don't need anybody to protect me, I can protect myself.

I toss the thin bedcovers of my warm body and sling my sleepy legs over the bedside. A yawn slips out through my dry lips, breaking the silence in the room. I stand up on my feet and stretch out my arms, letting out another tired yawn. I make my way over to the window and pull the curtains open. The moonlight lights up the entire room, every inch of it. Not that it's hard for the moonlight to light up the room, it is actually quite small.

The forest is dark and mysterious and I completly love it. The dark environment makes my wolf howl in delite. I make my over to my bag and zip it open. I pull out a grey pair of sweatpants, a black tank top, underwear and a bra. Every thing is black except my grey sweatpants.

I toss the clothes onto the bed and close the bag afterwards. I walk over to the bed and strip out of my clothes leaving them on the floor. Then I pull the clothes that are laying on my small bed on.


My feet hit the ground when I take a small jump of the tree porch. The muddy ground sticks under my feet as I walk over the lawn. I walk down the soggy lawn and into the dark forest. I strip out of my clothes behind the big three that I shifted behind the first time and start to run deeper down in the forest.

I can harldy feel the wet ground under my feet as I run between the trees, turning a few times nad running in different directions.

Just when I'm about to shift, I come to a clearing and I stop in my tracks. The clearing is quite big and it's formed like a circle. I continue to walk further into the circle, taking small and carefull steps. My eyes shift to one of the big trees that circle the clearing. The tree has long scary clawmarks on it. I cautiously walk closer to the tree to inspect it more.

My fingers brush over the long clawmarks. The marks are uneaven. Some of them are deeper then the others and that means uneaven claws. The only werewolves that has uneaven claws are rouges, so this has to be a place for the rouges in this woods to gather. Shit.

I run back to the opening of the clearing and crouch down behind a big bush. Why is it always me that finds places like this? A low houl breaks the silence in the forest and I tense up. I slow my breathing down and crouch lower down.

Paws pounding on the ground, making the ground beneath me to shake. I put down a hand on the ground to steady myself from falling down. The pounding goes away and only heavy breathings can be heard. I shift my gaze towards the middle of the clearing and there. There stands five big werewolves, staring at each other.

They are all big rouges, most likely to be leaders of some sort of illegal rouge pack. They're all dark brown and almost all of them has brown eyes, except one. He has pitch black eyes and they'e scaring the shit out of me.

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