36. Kiss After Kiss

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Marcus' POV

Words: 1589

Home, sweet, home. It feels good too finally be home again after being away for so long. I mean, it really did do take a while for me too find her.

Yeah and now you fucked it up. Go Marcus. Gavin growls lowly at me.

How did I do that? I question him as I lay back onto my bed. Her scent still lingers in the air, after she left. She's like my drug. Addicting.

Well, you let Victoria hug you in front off you, say 'I've missed you' and then you treated her like shit.

I'm going too explain who she is soon, I just didn't know what to do in that moment. Kay, now chill. I respond him and let out an annoyed sigh.

Chill? Oh- I don't let him finish his sentence before I end the conversation and block him from my mind. I guess I made things a little more complicated then they already were. Ah! Man. I gotta go find her right now and tell her everything.

I throw myself out off the bed, rushing towards the door. I push a hand through my hair as I run down the hallways, trying to catch her scent. But nothing, this is one thing that I don't like about Olivia's abilities. She can make her scent go away if she wants to.

My feet keep on carrying me through the hallways off the castle until I run past one window. I stop dead in tracks and run back to the window. My eyes scan the big backyard and that's when my eyes land on her. My eyes scan her body and I'm sure she feelt it, because she turned her head towards me and our eyes lock for a second. She breaks the eyecontact by rolling her eyes at me and then she continues too talk to the lady by her side.

I run to the first exit that I can find and then I continue to run as fast as I can to her. I turn around the last corner and there she stands with her arms crossed and her back facing me.

"How could you?" She whispers to me. The sadness and dissapointment is reeking of off her. Her sadness makes my heart drop to the bottom off my chest.

"How could you not tell me?" She says and turns around facing me.

"What are you talking about?" I reply in a calm way, taking small steps towards her. But she onlt responds by taking steps backwards.

"That you and her were in a relationship!" She screams at me



After I left Alex's room, I went too find someone that could tell me about Marcus' life before. I found an old lady that worked in the kitchen and she told me these things about, Marcus being in a relationship with this girl called Victoria.

"A relentionship?" He questions walking closer to me. The words came out off his mouth like the were venom and they hit me right in the chest. I nod my head as my eyes fill with tears, blurring my vision.

"No, no, baby. You've got this all wrong" He pleaded with a voice I've never heard from him.

"I don't think I have" I whisper as I blink. Tears begin too run down my warm cheeks and I swiftly wipe them away with my hands.

You all probably think I'm a weak ass b*tch right now and I don't blame you, but you have too understand that I believed in Marcus and it turns out I shouldn't have done it. Which hurts so bad.

"You are wrong. Let me explain, please?" His voice cuts through the air like an arrow, heading towards me.

"Well, explain then" I respond, crossing my arms. A cold breeze hits me in the face, making my cheeks turn red. The atmosphere has changed around us and the sun has began too set. The atmosphere isn't the only thing that has changed. Marcus has too.

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