7. Birthday Night

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Words: 2501
Song: We can't stop, by Miley Cyrus

Party. That's what almost every teenager does in the age between sixteen and up. I on the other hand have never been to a party, so this is the first time. I've only seen partys in movies, you know these very sterotypical movies. Teens drinking from red cups, people making out everywhere and so on. Well I do not wanna make out with anyone. Who knows what I could get infected with...

I open my eyes and look into the mirror. I meet my eyes, then I shift my stare towards Em and then Ina. They are also showing of there real eyes. I turn around and stare into their eyes for a second. Their eyes are much lighter than mine. What if there's something wrong with me? Why are my eyes darker? I shrug the thoughts off an walk out of the bathroom.

Em and Ina follow me out of the bathroom. They start to put on their shoes and grabbing their belongings. I put on my high black heels and grab my phone. I take a step forward in the heels and my feet start to ache really bad. I whince, but continue to walk towards the door.

We all walk down the stairs. I'm the last one, Em in the front and then Ina. We haven't even gotten down on the ground floor when the guys start to tens. I start to feel a little nervous and I can feel how my forehead is becoming damp. I brush the small amount of sweet of my forehead and take the last step down on the floor.

I look up and see that they're all staring at us with a very disapproving look. Ina and Em are weaing both dresses that ends abow their kness. I'm also wearing a dress that ends abow my knees, but my dress is tight and it has a open back. Did I mention no bra?...

They don't say anything about Em's and Ina's dresses, but when their looks stop at me. I can feel how they all are staring at me. Taking in my appearnce.

"Olivia, go change. That dress to reaveling" Devon says staring at me.

I'm not going to change for anyone. I look really good in this dress. It shows of my curves and my olive skin.

"No" I say and shift my bodyweight to my left leg, so that I'm standing in a more sassy pose.

"Just do it" Devon says and breaks our eye contact.

"No, I'm wearing this" I say and start to walk towards the main door.

"Change, now. I don't want unmated men to think about you in such ways and what if they tries to do anything" He says raising his voice a little.

"First of all, I'm not going to change. Second of all no one and I mean no one is going to touch this body" I say and put my hands on my hips." And you guys will be around me all the time, so I have nothing to worry about. They last thing is that, if you haven't already noticed I'm a freakin hybrid and everybody will see my eyes, so they won't try anything" That's the last thing I say before I walk out off the door with Em and Ina behind me.

They guys looked quite shocked when I said 'no' to Devon. I'm not going to let anybody be in charge of me, I'm my own person. The girls and I jump into Masons black range rover and soon after we jumped in Mason and Jason gets in in the front.

Devon and Al is going in a black lamborghini and the twins took a black audi together. We all drive off. Our car in the middle, Devon and Al infront of us and Tom, Camron and Josh behind.

I haven't realized before but, they're quite rich. Their cars are amazing, the house is spectacular and the way that we could buy clothes before. It was like we didn't have a limit for how much money we could use. Even the way that everybody is dressing. It's very formal and nice. Me on the other hand is quite the opposite. I wear sloppy clothes and boots.

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