29. Pinewood

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Obs: Some violence in the last part of the chapter. 

Olivias POV

Words: 1604

The wind brush through my hair, making it frizzy. The sky is completaly cloudy, but somehow the sun finds it's way through the thick clouds. 

After Sky told me about Logan's disapperance, I went to Devon and the others. They were very happy to see me back on my feet, but they also wanted me to get back into bed. I told them about getting Logan back and at first they seemed a little uncomfortable doing it. I mean he's like a criminal in the werewolf world now. He attacked the prince and then he left. 

Ina is the only one that wasn't there. Alex told me that she is with her mate and I completaly understand them. I'm really happy for them, but I feel a little bad for Mason. They have been dating for a while. But he let her go without a fight or anything.

I told them why I wanted to get him back. The reason why is that I still got feelings for him. Okay! Enough with the jokes already, thanks. Isa yells at me. 

Hahaha, sorry I just had too. I laugh at her and she sends me a angry expression. I shrug it of. 

The real reason to why I need to get him back, is that if I don't. I'll never be able to leave this hell hole if he doesn't come back. Someone needs to be in charge of this pack and it wouldn't suprise me if the Skylar pack would want me to be their leader, for a while. 

Even though he hurt me and made my life a living hell for a few months. I still feel a little for him and it would be a waste to let him do this to himself. 

So here I am, running with my pack through the forest. Em and I are the only ones that are running in our human forms. We're able to do that because, well I'm a black wolf hyrbid and that makes me faster then a hybrid. Em's power is that she is faster then regular hybrids, but I'm still faster then her and the rest.

We've all been trying to catch a scent of him, but we got nothing. The sun has begun to set and we need to turn back home soon. We are hungry and tired, but I could go on for a few hours. 

We slow down our pace, when we come up to a clering that is connected to a beach. I walk over to a small log and sit down on it. Em comes over and sits down beside me. She's panting a little and I understand her. It is hard to keep up with my tempo. The others go down to the water to drink a little after their run. 

I take in a deep breath and let it out out through my nose. The smell of freshwater and pinewood. I look out in the woods again, trying to see any pinewoods.  That's weird. There are no pinewoods here, unless it's Logan. I sniff the air again and this time I'm sure that it's him. I can even smell the small amount of vanilla.

Em seems to have noticed to change in my body posture and mood. She looks at me with a questioned look and I return a smilling one to her. I want to be the first one to talk to him. She shrugs my weird change of and turns her gaze towards the seven wolves, standing and drinking by the shore.

I look out over the forest with my narrowed eyes. 

"Em, I got his scent"I whisper to her while tapping her shoulder.

 She turns her stare towards me and nods her head. She stands up and walks over to the wolves. The wolves straighten their ears when Em speaks to them and soon after she's done, they start to sniff the air. 

They all look over at me and I start to run into the forest, tracing his scent. The others follow quitely behind me, but still keeping up with me. 

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