18. Royalty

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(Short chapter.... SORRY!!!)
Words: 1163

Anonymous POV:

The first time I laid my eyes on her I knew she was meant for me and only me. Her scent was like a drug for me and I couldn't get enough, I want more.

When she left I was devastated and I couldn't understand how she couldn't feel the bond and pull between us. I had to restrain myself from not claiming her on the spot in front of everybody.

Olivias POV:

Royalty. In the werewolf world royalty is the ones that have the highest ranking. The king and the queen live at a big palace and I've heard they have a son. The king is like the Alpha of all Alphas and the queen is his Luna. She also has a lot of power but not as much as the king does.

When their heir turns twenty he will take over the throne and he can do it without his mate or with his mate. But if the king and the queen had a daughter, she would have to find her mate to take over the throne, even though she might have turned twenty.

I've never meet a royalty. The have always been in their castles and been busy with werewolf stuff. But I've head from a few people during the years that the king is really intimidating and the queen is the opposite. She's caring, loving, positive and I think hey both bring forward the best in each other.

Sky and I went directly to our car before and drove off. We couldn't stop talking about the royals and we conspired a lot about why they would come to this pack. We thought they would come here to kill someone, but then we couldn't come up with a motive or a reason, so we took that away. Then we just thought that maybe the queen as the king had brought the prince(their son) for him to find his mate. But I strongly doubt he'll find someone in this pack.

We drive up in front of the mansion and I turn of the engine. Pack members are standing in front of the house chatting hysterically and I guess it's about the royals that are arriving her in ten minutes. Ten minutes?! Fuck.

"Sky cmon! We got to grab our bags and change clothes" I say to her as I jump out of the car and run back to the trunk. Sky does the same and she's standing besides me. She quickly pulls the trunk open and we grab our shopping bags. Sky starts to jog to the pack house and I close the trunk and run up to her.

We walk into the house and I can smell the nervousness in the house. Everybody is on their best behavior. Sky is halfway up in the stairs and I'm about to walk up afterwards her, but I feel a warm and dry hand on my shoulder. I turn around and face the person behind me. It's Devon.

"Where are you going? They'll be here in a few minutes" He says a little nervous. I've never seen him nervous before, maybe once but that was when his mother came to visit us for three months ago.

"We are just going to go and change clothes. We'll be down in a three" I say as I run up the stairs and Sky starts to run to.

I left Sky on the second floor because mine is in the third one. My bags are thrown on the bed and I'm at my bag looking for my fighting clothes. I always have  my fighting clothes on when I'm meeting new people, so that'll they know that I'm a fighter.

The noise of several cars can be heard and I walk over to my window and look out. Eight cars are driving up on the driveway. I quickly walk back to my clothes and I got to hurry.

I pull my black combat pants on and my black combat boots. Then I pull a sport bra on and over that a grey crop top. I hear a knock on the door and I jog over to it and open it.

"They are you coming or not?" She says and grabs my arms bringing me out of my room. I close the door behind me and we start to run down the corridor. Sky is in front of me and she is wearing a blu dress that we bought today and she looks really pretty. Her mate will regret rejection her and when I find out who he is, I'll beat his ass.

We run down the long stairs and then out of the house. Everybody turn and look at us. The royals haven't gotten out of their cars yet so I run over to my pack and I bring Sky with me, not wanting her to stand alone.

I stand beside Devon with Sky to my left. My pack is standing with their heads high and I can feel and smell that they are not so nervous anymore. I glance over at Sky and she is slightly shaking and I think she is nervous about the royals coming here.

"Just in time" Al says from behind me and I turn and give him a light nod.

No one has gone out of the car yet and everybody is standing completely still, not making a sound. Everybody has even slowed down their breathings.

A click can be heard and I know it's a door opening from one of the cars. I lift my gaze towards the car that has opened and only soldiers are moving out from the car. They are all wearing black jeans and white t-shirts. The shirts are sitting tight around their chests making their muscles look bigger.

The soldiers move up so they are standing in a straight line in front of the other cars. They have their hands behind their back and they're staring forward. Another click is heard and soon several clicks can be heard and all other cars are opening up with people moving out of them.

A sweet and intoxicating smell makes it's way up my nose and my knees start to tremble beneath me. My palms starts to get sweaty and I let go of Sky's hand. She turns her head towards me and gives me a questioned look. I shrug it of and look forward.

Mate? Isa questions me.

Impossible! I scream to her and my eyes shift from all men that is moving out from the car.

A second mate is super rare. You're almost never given one. I have never heard of anybody that was given a second mate. The moon goddess is very strict about not giving everybody a second mate. Only special people or precious people are given one, so I don't understand why I am given one. A big growl interrupts my thoughts.


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