27. Trouble

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Logans POV:

Words: 2146

The words are stuck in my mouth and I'm standing here in complete shock. My pack members are lying on the dirty ground. Their bodies are covered in red blood and the ground under their bodies are soon covered in blood.

Olivia is standing over her dead mother's body, screaming things at us. But I can't hear her. I can only see her lips moving. Her hands are covered in blood. Tears are running down her cheeks, making her cheeks slightly pink.

She has stopped screaming at us and now she's standing there staring at us with disappointed look. Her eyes are filled with rage and hatred. I'm the reason to why this happend. If I had only believed her. This would never had happend. It's my fault.

Olivia doesn't say anything, she just turns around and starts to run towards the forest.

"Olivia, stop!" Marcus screams at her to get back her but she doesn't listen. She just continues to run. Marcus takes a few steps forward and I guess he's going to ty to catch up to her. He starts to jog in a slow tempo but he stops when someone speaks.

"There is no point in trying to catch up to her, she's the fastest creature alive" Someone in the back says and I turn around to see who it was. My eyes land on a tall male figure and I know it's Devon. His ice blue eyes meet my forest green ones and he sends me a stern look. Devon knows a lot more then I do, when it comes to hybrids and other supernatural creatures.

I turn back to the big lawn, where Olivia was standing on for a few seconds ago. She has almost entered the forest when she shifts into her wolf. I've never seen her shift before. Devon told me once that she never does because she doesn't need to. She's faster then an alpha in her human form. She only does it when she wants to get out of somewhere

My eyes land on her wolf and my eyes widen. She's a black wolf hybrid. Her midnight black wolf soon disappears into the woods and her scent disappears completaly. Weird. That have never happand before. A werewolf's scent can't just disappear.

People are still in shock from what they've just seen. A werewolf that was in our pack before I hurt her and she went away, is a black wolf hybrid. Some pack members walk back to the pack house or their houses out in the woods. But most of them are trying to find their family's dead bodies.

All of this is my fault.


It's been several hours since the fight and since she left. It's dark outside now and the only light in the night is the lights from the cottages and houses. The stars are glowing tonight, but not for me. I stayed and helped with the bodies, caring them away, cleaning up all the blood and throwing away some body parts that were laying on the ground.

I haven't seen Gwen since, not that I really care about her. But she is my girlfriend and the soon to be the Luna of this pack.

Why are you even making her the Luna of this pack? Gawin asks through our mindlink. He's been quiet off the last our and I guess it's because of the fight.

She's a strong female and everybody likes her. I reply and cross my arms as I lay down in the couch.

You've got to be kidding with me! Gawin roars at me in anger.

Everybody hates her and she isn't strong. She's only a b*tch and I seriously don't understand how you can't see it! He continues yelling and shouting at me. He's right. She has been really rude and egoistic recently. She has been giving other pack members and guests rude glances.

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