23. Uncomfortable

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Words: 1534

Silence fills the room and blank stares are thrown towards me. Have you ever felt like you're being judged or doubted? I'm feeling it right now. Do they think I'm lying? They can't. I was in the woods and I witnessed them talking about attacking. I've never lied to this pack, so why do they think I'm lying now?

"This isn't my stuff to handle, take it with the boys and the fighters" Gwen says loud and clear in the dinner room with a slutty tone in her voice. I turn my gaze towards her and she isn't even looking at me. She is twirling her ginger red hair between her fingers, sending out a nonchalant feeling.

"You are the Luna, so it makes this you're stuff" I say to her with frustration in my voice. I don't understand how he could make her this pack's Luna. She is so nonchalant, nasty and so on. She doesn't give me the feeling of a Luna. She is supposed to lead the pack with good intentions, but she isn't.

From the corner of my eye, I can see how someone pushes themself of the wall. I turn my head to the side and see that it's Logan who is walking up to me. His hair is a little messy, almost like a 'I woke up like this'. His red puffy eyes meet mine and I can see that he needs more sleep.

He's standing at my right, staring at my face. I turn my head towards all the pack members. No one is looking my way, not even a glance. They are all looking down at their lap or at each other.

Electricity spreads through my body as someone grabs my arm. The feeling isn't a pleasant one, it's uncomfortable and it's making me cringe. His tough doesn't feel like it used to. It's disturbing me now in way sthat I can't explain.

I look to my right and Logan is the person who grabbed me. He doesn't say anything, he just starts to walk out of the room with his hand in a hard grip around my arm.

I twist my head so that I'm looking at where Marcus is sitting. He's staring at us as Logan is pulling me with him out of the room. Our eyes lock for a second before he pulls me out of the dinner room and closes it behind us, but he doesn't stop there. I couldn't pick up any feeling in Marcus' eyes. Nothing.

He starts to walk out of the house, still his hand in a tight grip around my upper arm. We walk across the lawn and down the path that leads to the Alphas, Betas, Gammas and where the royals are living.

"You know. I can walk by myself" I say to him, still being dragged behind him. Seconds go by and he hasn't answered me. Why is he so mad? I keep my stare at his head, waiting for an answer. Silence.

"Thanks" I say and twist my arm out of his hard grip.

He immediatly stops in his tracks and turns his body around, facing me. I rub my upper arm in an action to get him to think that he hurt me, but obvioulsy he didn't. He did it for months ago. Isa roars inside me.

He's an idiot. Trust me I know, but I wont give him the satisfaction to see that he hurt me. I tell her angrily.

I shift my gaze from my not so sore arm, to his face. His eyes are still red and puffy like before, but they show no emetion. Almost like Marcus did. He takes a step forward trying to grab my arm again. I immediatly take a step backwards, not wanting him to touch me. The only one that gets to touch me is Marcus, but it doesn't feels like he want to.

"Why aren't you getting ready for a fight?" I ask him and wait for his answer. He doesn't even look me in the face when he tries to grab my arm again and I take another step back, avoiding him.

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