28. Lost

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Olivias POV
Words: 2145

Air fills my lungs and I cough loudly. I feel a pair of strong arms around my upper body and a sparks are shoot through my numb body. After my coughs I take in a deep breath and the smell of my mate fills my senses. 

"I thought you were dead" He says against my neck, where his mark will be placed in time. But I'm not ready. His cold lips brush against my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

"I'm not" I whisper back to him and place a small kiss on his cheek. 

"Everyone was so worried about you and I didn't know what to do" He silently cries back to me. 

That's when the memories of my dead family comes flying back to me. To memories of my mom, crouching down in front of her dead sons and mate. The slashes on their stomachs and troats. The trickling blood from their wounds. Everything comes back to me and I didn't forget the part were the Skylar pack, the royals, my pack and my mate didn't listen to me. I still blame them for my loss.

My eyes flutter open and the first thing that I'm meet by, is the bright light from the lamp in the roof. I groan as I cover my eyes with my hands and Marcus seems to notice that the light disturbs me. He walks over to the button and turns the lights of in the roof. The only light in the room is the light from a small lamp on my nightstand and the sun that pushes through the thick curtains.

I take the hands away from my face and look at Marcus. My eyes travel over his beautiful face and down his neck. My eyes stop at his neck and my eyes widen when I see what's on his neck. Bitemarks of a other wolf. A small growl escapes through my lips and Marcus smiles at my possessiveness and protectiveness.

He walks over the my hospital bed and sits down besides me. He smiles at me as he takes my hand in his and squeezes it lightly. I bring my other hand up to his neck, looking at the marks. 

"What happend?" I ask angrily and take my hand from his. I angle his head so that I can get a better view. There are several holes where someone's teeth have been.

"Nothing happend"He says twisting his head out of my hands. I frown at him and bring his head back to my. I look into his eyes and I can see that he's lying.

"Don't lie to me. Tell me what happend" I say to him, but he keeps quiet. "Now" I continue when he doesn't answer me. 

"I got into a fight whit Logan, because he was standing to close to your naked body and he said he was your mate" He says and looks at me with rage in his eyes. His usually brown eyes, aren't brown anymore. They're almost pitch black. 

"Why didn't you tell me he was the one who rejected you?" He questions me while he stands up on his feet. He furrows his eyebrows at me and crosses his arms.

"Because I don't want anybody to know who he is to me" I tell him tossing my sleepy legs over the bedside.

"So he is someone to you now" He implies and turns his back at me. 

"You know that's not what I meant" I say standing up from the hospital bed.

"I don't know what you mean anymore" He says and raises his hand. In seconds he punches the wall, making a perfectly round hole in the wall. 

"Don't you dare blame this on me" I tell him as walk over to door. When I'm about to open the door and walk out. Marcus garbs my arm, turning me around and pushing my body up against the door surface with his. 

"I'm not blaming this on you, I'm blaming myself. If I had made it clear to everyone that you're my mate. Then this maybe wouldn't have happend " He says as he places his head in the crock of my neck. 

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