11. Idiots

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Words: 1793

Nobody but me knows who my previous mate is. Not Al, Not Carter and certainly not the pack. When I saw him for the first time in eight months, I realized how much time and tears that I've wasted on him. He doesn't deserve me.

Earlier this day we arrived to the Skylar pack and we were welcomed by Alpha Logan(Her ex-mate) and his soon-to-be Luna Gwen. It didn't hurt really when I saw them togheter. They do deserv each other and I'm not going to ruin it.

I'm currently sitting around a big table with the my pack, Alpha Logan, Luna Gwen and his Beta Scott. We've been discussing how the pack shall be trained for the last two hours, but I haven't paid much attention. I mean there is no good reason to discuss this, I'm going to train the pack how I want to and if they don't like I'm out.

"What do you think about that O?" Al asks me sending me a wondering look.

"About what?" I ask.

"About training them later, maybe around noon so that everybody can get their hours of sleep?" He says smiling at the me. I let out a small laugh and stand up from my chair, pushing it behind me.

"Okay, can we just make on thing clear here" I say holding up a finger, getting everybodys attention "I'm going to train those who show up at seven in the morning and those who doesn't like it, well that's too bad for them. I chose when we train, is that clear?" I ask getting annoyed.

They all nod except the Alpha and the Luna. They just stare at me like I'm crazy or something. I meet the Alphas stare and hold it for a few seconds before they turn pitch black out of rage. His chest starts to fall and raise unevely and Gwen tries to calm him down but she doesn't succeed.

"How dare you talk to me like that. I'm an Alpha" he says standing up from his chair.

"Alpha, I wasn't trying to sound disrespectful. But if I'm going to train your pack, then I'm the one in charge of the training" I say raising to my full heigt and angle my neck to the side, showing my submission. I'm not at tall as all the other males in this room, but standing straight is a sign of respect.

"Don't let it happen again and you have my permission to train the pack" He says turning around and walks over to Gwen and kissing her. I send them a disgusted look when they can't see and then I walk out of the room.

I keep on walking until I'm in the hallway of the pack house. I'm about to  walk out of the house when I smell a familiar scent. Coconut and olive. It's Kyle! I walk back into the house and into the big living room that can fit at least fifty people. When I enter the room everybody snaps their heads in my direction. I can see how people sniff the air, taking in my apperance.

"Olivia?" I hear a masculine voice say and I immediatly knows it's Kyle's.

I eagerly look around trying to find him. Soon a man stands up and I snap my stare towards him. It's Kyle. I take long strides towards him and he does the same towards me. Soon I wrap my arms around his neck and his arms fold around my waist, bringing me up in the air.

"I've missed you so much" Kyle says against my neck.

"I've missed you to" I respond quietly.

Kyle lets go of me letting me back down on the floor and I let go of his neck. I take a step back taking in his presence. He's taller and more muscular since I last saw him. His hair have grown and his skin is more tanned. He's looking more like a man than a boy now.

"There's so much that I have to tell you. So much have changed and you young lady has some explaining to do" He says playfully pointing a finger at me.

The HybridOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora