12. Sleepless nights

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Words: 1910

Regret. That's a feeling I believe every human experience at least once in life. I'm experiencing it right now. I regret coming back to my old pack. Regret even looking at him, he doesn't deserve me.

I'm currently lying down in my bed in the room that I got. We got six rooms to share. Devon and Al are sharing a dubbleroom a few doors down the hallway, the twins are staying in one room together, Mason, Jason and Tom in a trippleroom, Ina and Em in one room, and I'm staying alone and I'm grateful for that.

I don't think I would be able to share a room with someone here. If anybody shared room with me I wouldn't be able to relaxe. I'd be forced to always seem happy and cherfull, when I'm really not. Ever since I arrived here I've been felling slightly sad and down. I don't know if it's because of Logan or if it's because the pack treats me bad.

Earlier today when I ate with the pack and my pack I was getting this weird feeling about them. I can't describe the feeling, but I can for sure tell you that it was weird. When those guys began the harass me, I didn't really care about them because nothing can push me down. Nothin can make me feel like I'm nothing, worthless, weak, ugly, but him and I hate that he got that kind of power over me. I blame the stupid mate bond.

When my family came into the pack house and greeted me. I felt joy in a way that I haven't in a long time. I was and am so happy to be "home" again. My family and I had went home to their house and we had talked about everything between heaven and earth. It felt really good to finally be pack together with my family again.

I shake all these thoughts out of my head and look over at the clock on the wall. It's five in the morning. I haven't slept a second since I came into my room at eleven. I roll over on my right side and close my eyes, trying to fall asleep. But the moonlight from the moon is shining right at my eyes, making it hard for me to fall asleep.

My eyes flutter open and meet the bright moon light. I move the thin covers of my body and toss my sleepy legs over the bedside. I walk up to the window, grabing the curtains preparing to closing them. Just before I'm about to close them I look out into the dark forest. My desire for a run growing inside me. I let go of the curtains and shift my gaze towards the small cabins near the pack house. Almost every cabin is off except some of them that have a small lamp in the window. Everybody is asleep.

I walk back inside of my room and over to my bag that is lying on a chair. I sip it open and take out a grey hoodie, a pair of black yoga pants and a sports bra. After that I close the bag and pull on the clothes. I walk towards the door where my shoes are located and grab them. I don't bring my phone 'cause it would only be a pain in the ass to bring it with me. I wouldn't have anywhere to place it.

I open my door carefully and peek outside. Nobody is in the hallway, I move out of the room and close the door behind me with my shoes in my hand. I continue to walk down the hallway as quiet as I can. I turn right when the hallway ends and then I go down the stairs. I try to be as quiet as I can when I move across the floor.

When my feet hits the ground I start to jog in a slow pace over where the forest opens up a bit, making it look like an exit and an entrance. I walk around a pinewood three deep down in the forest and remove my clothes. The clothes lay in a pile on the ground and I take of running.

I'm running completely naked through the woods in vampire speed. I haven't ran in my wolf form since four months ago and I don't usually run in my wolf because I'm fast and strong enough in my human form.

As I've told you my wolf is a black wolf. That means that I'm stronger and faster than ordinary wolves. Devon told me that when he first saw me in my wolf, he thought that I was really big. He said that he had never seen such a big wolf before, not even the royals have such big wolves. That's also why I don't shift infront of people anymore.

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