33. Forgive and Forget

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OBS! NEW COVER. THANK YOU: goldenphoenix16 for creating such an awsome cover!!

Olivia's POV

Words: 1996.

"You want the hybrid pack too follow us to the castle?" The king asks with a hint of distrust in his voice. He eyes me up and down with strict eyes. 

As you know, hybrids aren't very liked or appreciated. I guess they feel intimidated by the hybrids and me, but they shouldn't because they are the queen and king of all werwolves.

"Yeah and I'll promise you that there won't be any trouble" I assure him. The queen eyes me up and down. A small frown makes it's way up on her and the king notices, he puts his arm around her waist and gives her a kiss on the cheek. 

"I guess I should let them follow" He says and then he goes quiet for a few second before he speaks again. "You are after all my son's mate and it wouldn't be wise of me to not let your pack follow" He continues and nods at me.

"Thank you, my king" I respond and angle my head to the side in submission. Even though I'm stronger and faster then he could ever be, I must show him and the queen respect. That's practically a law. 

"It's Michael too you now" He smiles at me. I give him a small smile and turn around, starting to walk out of the room. 

"Olivia?" I hear a powerful feminine voice say. I turn around facing the queen. 

"Do you have a minute?" She questions me and I nod in respons. She gives Michael a kiss on the lips and then he walks out of the room, closing the doors carefully behind us.

The queen sighs and strides over too the couch that's facing the big windows. From this room you can see above the trees. It's really beautiful here. 

"Come, sit" She orders and I do as I'm told. I sit down beside her, but not too close. She stares out of the window and we sit there in complete silence.

"You know" She breaks the silence. "When I first met my mate, I was terrified and it only got worse when I had to follow him too the castle. There were people there who thought I wasn't suitable for him and that I was a little filthy whore" She says and her voice breaks at the end of the sentence. I place her hand in mine in a kind way and she smiles at me while she whipes her tears away. 

"But I got through it and now I'm the happiest women alive" Her voice sounds so pure and innocent even though she's been through so much evil stuff.

"And I just want you to know that when you'll arrive at the caste. There will be people who want to harm you, but I don't need to tell you how to defend yourself. They will try to tear you and my son apart in any way possible" She says and shifts her gaze towards me.

 The thought of someone trying to break me and Marcus apart makes me growl. If someone even tries to bring us apart. I'll bite them. The queen giggles at me and then continues to speak.

"But I'll be there for you and stand by your side, because I know what it's like" Her voice echoes through the room. 

"Thank you" I say as she brings me in for a hug. I hug her tightly, trying to comfort her as she cries into my shoulder.


Punch. Punch. Duck. Kick. I breath heavily as I throw my last punch at the red punching bag. Small drops of sweat trickle down my forehead and down my neck. I slowly walk over to the bench in the training local and sit down. I bring the water bottle to my lips. The cold water cools my warm body as it makes it's way down my throat.

After the king left, I spoke with the queen and she told me about how my life would be when I get too the castle. I wasn't really suprised by the fact that people that live with that kind of life style, would call her(and soon me) those things. The only thing that the care about is their status and power. Nothing more and nothing less.

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