Werewolf guide

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(Not finished)

Here's a guide for the ones of you that haven't read a werewolf book before. Enjoy!

Everybody might not agree with this guide and that's fine. I made this guide out of my own experience and thoughts. Don't hate!:)

Werewolf- A werewolf is a human that can shift into a wolf. It can either be of purpose or after being cursed. But often it's natural.

Alpha- In every pack there's a leader. The leader of a werewolf pack is the Alpha. You're either a born Alpha or a true Alpha. A born Alpha is an Alpha who were born from a Luna and an Alpha. A true Alpha doesn't need to be born by one. You can become one and the one that chooses if you can become a true Alpha, is the Moongodess.

Beta- Every Alpha needs a Beta. The Beta of the pack is like the second in command. He helps the Alpha with the pack and other important stuff.

Luna- Is the Alphas mate. She is like the first lady and she also helps the Alpha when it come sto taking decisions about the pack or other important stuff.

Omega- The Omega is the "lone-wolf" in the pack. He or she has either done something bad or disobey orders and that has given the punishment to become an Omega. The Omega cleans, makes food for the pack and is never allowed to disobey anybodys orders.

Witch- A witch is a person who practice magic. A witch is a very powerfull creature. They can curse you if you make them upset, but they can also help you if you're "nice" to them. The witches are tho ones who have been on this planet for as long as we know.

Vampire- A vampire is a creature that lives on human blood or flesh. Vampires are the werewolves biggest enemies if you don't think about the rouges. Vampires are often regonized by there eyes or their smell. Their eyes are violet like the flower and they smell like dead corpses. Yuk.

Hybrid- A hybrid is a creature who is contructed by two species. They are often stronger and faster than "normal" creatures. That makes them more dangerous.

Mate- A mate is the person that completes you. Your mate is chosen by the moongodess. He or she is like your other half. You'll meet your mate when you turn eighteen or some weeks before. When you meet you will feel a strong attraction to each other and when you touch you'll feel electric sparks. Almost like small fireworks;)

You're mate is the one that'll mark you. It sounds bizarre, I know. You're mate will bite you in your neck and then you'll get a mark saying that you belong to him. After that he has marked you, you will go into heat. Heat is a process that every female werewolf goes through when she has met her mate. When your in heat you'll want your mate to touch you and to satisfy you, if you know what I mean. Wink Wink;)

Mindlink- Mindlinks are quite special. A mindlink gives you the posebility to speak with somebody "in your head". But you can shut your link off whenever you want to. There are many diffrent mindlinks. There's the packlink, everybody in your pack can speak in it.

Matelink. The matelink is the link that your share with your mate after that you've completed the mating cermony.

Twinslink. The twinslink is a link that you share with your twin( if you were born with one obviously.)

Last but not least, the mindlink with your inner wolf. It's nothing special about your inner wolf mindlink. You can shut it of like any other mindlink.

Inner/your wolf- Your inner wolf is like your other half( not like a mate other half though). She or he is very important in a werewolfs life. If he or she dies(by some weird reason) you're not a werewolf any more. You either die or you become a human.

Rejection- A rejection is one of the worst things that can happen to a werewolf. A rejection is when your mate rejects you 'cause he or she doesn't think that you're worthy of behing his or hers. Ofcourse it can also be of an other reason.

When you get rejected you'll be put through a terrible pain. Almost every werewolf dies from the pain. But there are some that has succeeded and went through it.

White Wolf- White wolves are very rare. There's only a handfull alive. A white wolf is a wolf send by the moongoddess. This wolf is bigger, stronger and more powerful than most wolves. She or he has a special comunication with the moongoddess.

Black Wolf- Black wolves are very rare. They are even less than white wolves. Black wolves are naturally faster and stronger then regular wolves. But some are given abilities to.

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