39. Thoughts

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Olivia's POV

Words: 1106

The sun strikes my face with it's light starnds of warmth. I grunt in frustration and turn my body over to the other side. I'm sore. I move my legs once more and I wince in pain. I'm stopped by a strong arm around my waist and I twist my head and I'm faced with a sleepy Marcus. He smiles and pulls me into him, almost crushing my ribcage. The sun strikes my face once more and I struggle to get out of his strong grip around me. 

I manage to push his hands of me and I end up on the floor with a 'thuns'. A sigh from the bed echos through the quiet bedroom and I look up to see Marcus' hands roaming the bed in search of me. I  hold in my laughter, covering my mouth with my hand and making my way over to the bathroom. 

The cold water hits my skin and I push my teeth together as the water runs down my back, over my legs and then hits the grey tile floor. I turn around just as the water turns warm. A 'yelp' escape from my lips when I see Marcus on the other side of the glasdoor. My eyes scan his body from head to toe. He's only wearing a pair of boxers that he with ease slips of. My eyes land on his lips and his innocent smile turns into a wicked smirk. 

"Good Morning, Beautiful" He pushes the glasdoor open and closes it behind his back without letting his eyes fall of me. I stand there completely frosen. He grabs me and spins me around, pushing my back against his front.

"Morning" I reply quietly. What is going on with me? I've never been like this. Felt frosen or vulnerable. It's like a spell he's put on me. He's like a drug to me and I can't get enough. 

He push us into the running water and it hits our bodies. We stand like that for a minute or two. His head resting in the crock of my neck and his arms around my stomach. I reach out for the soap on the shelf, but Marcus grabs it before me and puts some of it in his hand. I try to grab the bottle from his hand but he puts it back and this time on the highest shelf.

I might me tall, but not tall enough to reach it. He is though, maybe I should start wearing heels in the shower. Then I should be able to reach it, but it would increase the risk of me slipping and breaking a few bones, which I don't want. Goddam his height and....

He spins me around and starts smearing the soap over my body. My shoulders, arms, breast, stomach, back, down my legs and he stops at my calf. His hands travel over my legs towards my stomach. I suck in my breath as he closes up to my private area.  His smirk grows wider as he feels my body tense unde his touch. 

"Nobody else can make you feel like this" He whispers to me as he grabs my waist and pushes me into the running water again. Brushing the soap of my now clean body. 


The wind againt my hair makes me feel like nothing matters in the world. The feeling of every hair strand separating from the others. It's just amazing. I push my legs to run faster through the thick forest. With every three that I pass a new thought errupts in my head. All  these responsibilities and things that I must do and aren't allowed to do. Sometimes I like it and sometimes I absolutely hate it. 

I stop and stip out of my clothes, leaving them behind one of the pine threes. My two legs push me forward and I start running, picking up the pase I had before. In one jump my human body transforms itself. I land on the ground on four black paws. I shake my body before I take of. 

I keep on running for some miles around the royal territory. Their territory is large. It stretches out for 24 miles to the east, west and south. But it stretches out for over 30 miles in the north. I don't know why the monarch have so much land north of the kingdom, but I guess it's because that's the safest way to go if you're being attacked. Or that's the only reason that I can think of. 

My ears pick up a familiar sound. I stop immediately and turn my body towards where the sound came from. My eyes land on the running object, coming towards me. His golden brown eyes lock with mine for a second. He keeps on running until he's right infront of me.

Hey beautiful

You running from me already?

His husky voice echo through me thoughts,  making me shiver. 

No, my answer comes out as a whisper.

Good, because I haven't even started

Huh? What does he mean with that? I haven't started?.... Oh. He mean it like that..

He takes a step forward and nibbles on my skin, right where the mark should be placed. I know he felt that and I know he's smirking because of the power he has over me. He pushes me slightly with the top of his nose and gesture for me to run. I take of before he can even react and I leave his slow ass behind me. 

I can hear his paws pounding behind me and to make the hunt more intresting, I slow down so that he can keep up. His pounding disappears for a second. I turn my head around to se what happend to hum and I immideatly regret it.  I'm pushed into the dirt with his body on top of mine. 

He stands over me with his paws on either side of my head, showing his dominance. I "try" to stand up but he pushes me down to the dirt again. 

Shift for me

I do it without thinkg twice. The cold wind touch my skin and I begin to freeze my butt of. He notices and lays down on my body, almost crushing me. His tounge connect with my skin and small fireworks errupts on my skin, making me giggle. 


Okay, this is a really short chapter and I think that's how I'm gonna do it from no on. Because then I don't get the pressure to write a lot and it will move on easier. 

Hope u like it!

Love, Ebba.

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