|Chapter 22|

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I slowly trailed behind Man-bun, my eyes darting everywhere. I looked at the five guards surrounded around me and glared at them.

After my little 'fight' with Ashley, guards had tackled me to the ground and was escorting me out of the cafeteria. I didn't fight against them and I let them take me to wherever we were going.

I could easily kill these punks.

I shook my head, briefly closing my eyes. I have to stop thinking like this. It's not sane.

I still can't believe Ashley would do that. She gave away our location to Gregory. Just like my mother. Now they had to evacuate everyone to another bunker somewhere.

What is this thing with protection over family? Or over friendship? They would rather have millions of people die for their own skin to be saved.

I scoffed, looking back at Man-bun.

It's pathetic.

"I wasn't even gone for twenty minutes before you'd killed someone." I looked to my side and saw Michael parting through the guards.

One of them gripped his arm, giving him a warning look. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not going to kill him," I said. Their eyes shifted to me and Michael continued his walk over.

"So. You really killed her." He said. I chuckled, dryly.

"I didn't have a choice," I said. He shook his head, making a face.

"You did. You could have let the Commander handle it. You didn't have to snap her neck with your weird powers."

I could feel myself smiling again and from the look on Michael's face, I knew it was all but comforting.

"She deserved it. She's working with Gregory." I simply said. We arrived at a room and the guards stood in straight lines on each side of the door.

"And that gives you the right to snap her neck?" He asked.

"Either way, she was going to die. Man-bun would have shot her." I said. I heard a displeased grunt and I looked up.

"Man-bun?" He asked, his eyes showing disapproval. I shrugged.

"You're a man with a bun. Get it? Man-bun. Put it together." I said, slowly. He glared at me.

"Do not call me that." He said, opening a door. He walked in and we followed behind him.

"I don't know your name." I sat down in one of the chairs in front of the huge mahogany brown desk. The office was clean and there were two, tall bookshelves lined up on the wall.

"Call me Cain." He said, sitting in the huge chair. His frame took up most of the chair and I sat up, his intimidating stare making me slightly uncomfortable.

"Cain. Like the wrestler?" I asked, crossing my legs. He glared but didn't say another word.

"We have an issue." He said, looking at Michael. Michael stayed standing by the door, his arms crossed over his chest.

"What issue might that be?" He asked, coming to sit next to me. The leather made a small sound as he sat in the chair.

"Because of the little incident," his eyes darted to me, "we have to evacuate the people to another safe zone."

"Hey. It wasn't my fault." I said. He scoffed.

"You snapped her neck without laying a finger on her, Zoey!" He said.

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