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A/N Hey Guys! Thank you so much for 1.2K reads! This character is based off of MiaEvergreen because she is my friend, so go check out her stories! As usual, I do not own any of the characters, Rick Riordan does, except for Mia. Also, please go check out my other stories, I am doing a collab with MiaEvergreen! Enjoy!

Mia's POV: 

I have been at Camp-Half Blood for almost a week and still haven't been claimed. I guess I should back up. I am a 10-year-old girl by the name of Mia. I have auburn hair and hazel eyes and am rather small for my age. I have never met my mother. About a week ago, I got brought here by my dad. A girl named Annabeth Chase told me everything. Greek Mythology is real. I have always loved to read and write, but Greek Mythology has been my favorite. I really want to be claimed soon and I hope that my mom is Athena. I love life at Camp Half-Blood, but a girl named Thalia told me about the Hunters of Artemis. As soon as I am claimed I want to join them. Being maiden forever and immortal? My perfect life. Also, that means I get to hunt with a bow and arrow. Here at camp, the only thing that I really excel at is archery. Besides reading. Tee hee. Right now, I am sitting at the Hermes table eating dinner. I call to my plate.

"Pasta please, pesto pasta, with a tiny bit of parmesan cheese." The plate obeys and I am rewarded with a steaming plate of pasta. While I wait for it to cool I turn to my cup.

"Lemonade please." A sparkling, icy, refreshing, yellow lemonade fill up my glass. I hate the color pink. Then I have an idea. 

"Turquoise lemonade please." The lemonade turns the color of a pool. Perfect. I am about to take a huge bite when I realize that everybody is staring at me. Oh right. I walk with my plate to the alter. 

"Please Mom," I silently pray as I scrap some pasta into the alter. "Claim me." No sooner has I said that I realize that everyone is still staring. 

"What?" Annabeth silently points above my head. I look up to see an owl. I understand. I have been claimed my Athena. Goddess of Wisdom. 


"Repeat after me," Thalia says. I am in Cabin 8 ready to become a Hunter. "I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt."

I take a deep breath. "I pledge myself to the goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt." 


"So," Annabeth says. "A Hunter."

"Yes," I say back, not sure what is going on.

"I almost became a Hunter, but then I realized that I loved Percy." She kisses the boy next to her. Ick! This is why I became a Hunter.

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