Beca Johnston

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A/N Hey Y'all. Wow, it's been a while. So, yeah. I know I said I would be back, and I promise I am back. I can't promise I'll update on a routine, but I'm aiming for at least twice a month. Also, I have something else to say. If I changed this book to an overall Percabeth book, would that be cool? I would still do people meet Percabeth, but I would also write things like the Holiday Fail chapter. Comment your opinion! This chapter is for itsyafangirl_zoe . All character rights go to Rick Riordan (except for Beca)!

Beca's POV:

Hey, Y'all! I'm Beca Johnston, daughter of Apollo. I'm fourteen and 5'3. Yep, pretty average, not freakishly tall, not abnormally short. Yes, I know about Camp Half-Blood, and it's pretty cool! I miss my mom, sometimes, but I am lucky enough to see her on holidays. And yes, I ship Percabeth. You would think, oh yeah, just your average Percabeth shipper, but nope. I'm a hardcore shipper. I go as far as spying on them during dates. Judge me all you want, I know it's lowkey creepy, but I can't help it! They're so flipping cute!

"Beca!" Will snaps his fingers in front of my face. I snap back to attention and see all my half sisters and brothers staring at me. I swing my bow off my shoulder, load it, and aim at the target 30 feet in front of me. I easily split Kayla's bullseye. Everyone murmurs their praise. In the distance, the sun is setting and a conch shell whistle pierces the sound of busy campers. We, the Apollo cabin, quickly gather our stuff and head back to our cabin. I hastily shove my bow and quiver under my bed, tighten my ponytail and run to dinner.


After dinner...

As I'm clearing up, I see Percy whisper something to Annabeth, they lock hands and disappear towards the beach. I smirk and take after them, careful to be far enough away as to not look suspicious, but close enough so I don't lose sight of them. I shiver and shove my hands into the pockets of my coat. My left-hand hits something hard, and I pull it out. It's my Polaroid camera. I smile because it's perfect for tonight. Tomorrow the whole camp is celebrating five years of Percabeth and everyone is giving them a gift. I could make a book of Polaroids of tonight!


A few minutes later...

I'm in the perfect spot, right in a clump of bushes behind Percabeth. They're almost in the tide, just sitting together. Annabeth's head is on Percy's shoulder and they're just enjoying each other's company, happy to be alive. The sun is starting to set, and everything is perfect. I pull out the camera and adjust the mode. What mode would you even put it on? I decided on the low sun option. I quickly snapped the photo and heard a rustle of leaves behind me. I whip around and almost scream before realizing its Kayla. She looks as shocked as I feel.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper-scream.

"The same as you!" She whisper-screams back, holding out her camera. She turns around and waves her hand furiously. The rest of the Apollo cabin, plus Nico, come forth and squat next to me in the bushes. They all have their cameras with them as well. We sit there for almost an hour, snapping photo after photo of the couple. Nico is there handing out more and more rolls of film from a bottomless tool belt.

"Where did you get that?" I asked.

"Leo, as great as he is at engineering, is not so good at protecting his possessions," Nico says slyly.

Eventually, the sun has set all the way and all we can see are their silhouettes. They stand up, kiss, and I snap a photo.


Later that night...

"Done," Will exclaims, triumphantly. "It's not even three o'clock in the morning!"

I yawn as Will stores the book under his bed. He flips off the light and we all go to bed.


The next morning...

The entire Apollo cabin is yawning, but we're all up at eight am sharp. When we get to the dining pavilion, everyone has their presents on the table. Percy and Annabeth make their way through the presents. Percy is beat red and Annabeth is laughing by the time they get to our present. As they unwrap it, they start to laugh harder.

"So you were the guys with the cameras last night!" Annabeth says. All of us look at each other and I can feel my face turning red.

"What?" Percy says looking at us. Annabeth hits him playfully.

"Percy, don't be rude. Guys," she says turning to us. "We can hear twenty-five cameras clicking on a mostly silent night."

Everyone starts laughing, and we join in. That's when I stopped spying on Percabeth.

A/N Hope Y'all enjoyed! Please comment ideas for future chapters! If you want a chapter about you, message me and we can talk! Don't forget to vote!

Goodbye People of the Earth and Mount Olympus!

<3 Thalia

People Meet PercabethDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora