Unique Chapter Part ll

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A/N Hey Guys! This is dedicated to GraciaRio for being so strong. On another note, SO MANY PEOPLE guessed who the two people were at the end! Here are the ones that have guessed correctly:
(P.S. I siriusly love your nickname! Hehehe)

Annabeth's POV:

Dr. Cooper walked in. "Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, you have two more visitors." The door opened and I caught my breath. Percy breathes really loudly next to me, opens his hand and then closes his hand tightly. I look at him. "I'm catching my breath!" He protests. I smile and shake my head. Zoe closes her eyes. I turn my attention back to the two visitors. Athena and Poseidon. Athena looks around awkwardly, while Poseidon seems completely at ease. All of our friends just stare in shock.

"Well then," Dr. Cooper says, glancing at all of our shocked faces. "I'll just be leaving then." She inches out of the room, closing the door behind her. 

"Um... hi?" I venture. 

"Hi Annabeth," Athena replies. "How are you?"

"For our sakes! Athena! She just gave birth! For a goddess of wisdom, you aren't that smart!" Poseidon shoots. Percy and I exchange glances. This could be bad. 

"Oh, I'm sorry Fish Face! Just you know, wondering if my daughter is okay!" 

"You want to go?" 

"Guys! Gods! Can you please shu- be quiet?" Percy says, angrily. Athena and Poseidon freeze mid-argument. In my arms, Zoe starts to cry. Athena looks at her. 

"Is this Zoe?" She asks, rather timidly. 

"No," Poseidon says sarcastically. "It's the other baby that was given birth today that Percy and Annabeth were allowed to hold."

Athena opens her mouth to retort, but I interrupt. "Would you two like to hold Zoe? After all, you are the grandparents." Athena looks hesitant, while Poseidon nods his head. 

"Fine," Athena sighs. "As long as I get to hold her first." Poseidon looks murderous. I widen my eyes and Percy and he shrugs. 

"I have a compromise," Piper intervenes. All heads swing towards her. "You guys can hold her at the same time." I quickly catch on to what she's saying. 

"Both of you come here," I command. They follow the commands obediently. I tell them to hold one hand each out and then place Zoe into the little cradle their hands created. She yawns and closes her grey eyes. I lean back and Percy wraps his arm around my shoulders. I relax and watch the two gods. Athena looks so uncomfortable, while Poseidon is at total ease. They stand like that for a while, just watching Zoe sleep. Meanwhile, our friends swarm us with "Congratulations!" and "She's so cute!" I smile and thank them. Thalia hands me a Big Mac and milkshake which I accept gratefully. Dr. Cooper walks in. 

"Visiting hour is over. I'm sorry, but you all have to clear out." Death glares are shot, photos are taken, Zoe is returned to me and eventually, everyone is cleared out. The last to leave is Athena and Poseidon. I could hear them arguing as they left about who Zoe liked better. I handed Zoe to Percy and promptly fell asleep. 

A/N Sorry! I know it wasn't as good. QOTD: If you could change your name what would it be to? Goodbye People of the Earth and Mount Olympus!

<3 Thalia

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