Rafaela O' Conor

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A/N Hey y'all! Thank you for 122K views! AHHHHH! I'm on spring break currently so lots of updates coming your way! This is chapter is for SmartRavenclaw , who has been extremely kind and supportive! All character rights, expect for Rafaela O'Connor, go to Rick Riordan!

Rafaela's POV: 

Hi! I'm Rafaela O'Connor and I'm 13 years old, or young depending on how you look at it. I'm in eighth grade. I have a bunch of friends, well five close ones, in my grade and a couple in other grades. I go to Goode High School by the way. And-

"Ms. O'Conor," A teacher's voice interrupts. "Hello? Are you with us?" I jump, startled and a little bit guilty. 

"Sorry!" I say. "What was the question?" BRING!!!! That was the bell, signaling lunch! Saved by the bell, literally. Everyone around me is shoving papers and homework into their backpacks and I am too. I rush to the cafeteria, wanting to have as much time with my friends. I grab my lunch, which consists of a sandwich and a salad, and head to the table where my friends are already waiting. When I reach the table I sit down next to my best friend Percy. He's in twelfth grade, but he still hangs out with us. 

"So, how was English?" He asks as I sit down. 

"It was fine," I reply, still a little embarrassed by not paying attention to the last question. "How was Chemistry?" 

"Completely awful. It was so dam boring!" Percy laughs. I smile. Percy is one of my best friends. He's really just fun to be around. And NO! I have no romantic feelings for him. Plus he's in twelfth grade and has a girlfriend. Although I've never met her, Percy talks about her all the time. She has blonde hair and grey eyes and is super smart. She also has dyslexia and ADHD like Percy. We continue through lunch normally until Dylan comes to the table. 

"Hello Rafaela," a low voice says from behind me. I turn around and to my surprise, it's Dylan. Dylan is a boy who probably got held back a couple grades. He looks about Percy's age. He's also a big bully. Luckily he's never given me any trouble, but why is he here?

"Hi Dylan," I reply cheerfully enough, but my guard is up. 

"Dylan?" Percy asks, looking wary. "Your name is Dylan? One of my friends Jason met a Dylan." Dylan looks a Percy. 

"Ahh, Percy Jackson. Yes, I've met Jason, several times." Percy's eyes widen. I'm confused. What is going on? Dylan's never met Percy before, I don't think. 

"Why are you here?" Percy asks, his voice serious and his hands rigid, clutching a pen. 

"Well, let's just say, I've found another one!" Dylan lunges at me and Percy pushes me under the table. Percy now has a sword.

"What the heck? Both of you what are you doing? Percy, why do you have a sword?" Percy looks at me, silencing me with a look. Dylan lunges again and Percy side steps and neatly cuts Dylan in half. Dylan explodes into yellow dust. I stand up, bonking my head on the table. 

"What just happened? WHERE IS DYLAN!?!?" I suddenly notice the entire cafeteria has gone quiet. "What is going on?" I ask Percy, urgently. 

"Rafaela, we have to go, now." 


"Now." Percy's voice is sterner than I've ever heard it. "Before the police come." I nod, swallowing the lump of fear and uncertainty in my throat. I get up and follow Percy. 

"Paul!" Percy calls to the teacher's table. Paul Blofis is the only teacher that doesn't look stunned. "I got to bring Rafaela to camp. I'll send Chiron back to sort this out." Paul nods. 

"Stay safe!" We run out of the cafeteria, out of school, to Percy's car. 

"Where are we going? To this camp? Why are we going to a camp? What happened to Dylan? What is going on!?!? Percy! I deserve answers!" It's not we're in the car, do I get answers. 

"Rafaela, have you ever heard of the Greek gods?" 

"Of course I have, I'm half Greek! My mom was Greek!" 

"Yes, she was a Greek goddess. You're a demigod. The camp we're going to is the only safe place for demigods. Dylan was a venti. A monster. I sent him back to-" Percy doesn't finish the sentence. 

"Tartarus. You sent him back to Tar-"

"Please don't talk about that place," Percy says, cutting me off. I nod. We sit in silence for almost an hour. 

"How far away is this camp? Oh no, what is my dad going to say?" 

"It's okay Rafaela. You just have to trust me." Percy takes a sharp right and we are at the base of a hill. He gets out of the car and starts to walk up the hill. I follow. When I get to the top I gasp. Behind the hill is an entire camp with people sword fighting and rock climbing. 

"Do you like it?" Percy asks. 

"It's-" I don't finish. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a flash of movement. A curly blonde haired girl is making her way up the hill. She also has grey eyes. It has to be Percy's girlfriend. Sure enough, she greets Percy with a hug. 

"Hi," she greets me. "I'm Annabeth-"

"She's my girlfriend," Percy interrupts. 

"-and what's your name?" Annabeth continues. 

"I'm Rafaela," I reply. 

"Nice to meet you, Rafaela. Welcome to Camp Half-Blood, one of the only safe places for demigods." I walk down into the camp, awed by everything I'm seeing. I notice Percy and Annabeth aren't following me. I look back and watch them kissing. I'm feeling a little awkwardness but mostly awed by the love they seem to have for each other. That was how I met Percabeth. 

A/N Vote if you want a part ll! Goodbye People of the Earth and Mount Olympus! This is 1000 words!

<3 Thalia

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