Holiday Fail with the 7 & more!

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A/N Hey y'all! I'm back! Also Merry Christmas Eve! (Yes, this was published right at midnight!) If you haven't seen my messages, I'm back! I won't be posting on a schedule, but I will be posting regularly and frequently. Anyway, this isn't a people meet Percabeth, but it's something really special I wrote with my good friend theyarenotonlystorys . :) Anyway, the character rights go to Rick Riordan!

"3...2...1.. HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Annabeth kisses Percy, Jason kisses Piper, Frank kisses Hazel, Sally kisses Paul, Leo kisses a mirror, and Thalia and Nico stand in the corner, the former disgusted, the latter smirking.

"I wish it was still Christmas," Percy whines. Annabeth looks at him with a confused look.

"Are you and I thinking of the same Christmas?" She asks.

"Yeah, why?" Percy questions.

"This Christmas?" Annabeth says, disbelievingly. Percy nods.

"Paul, honey, can you get the camera? Let's show the tape on the TV." Paul gets the camera and connects it to the TV. The Seven, Thalia, Nico, Grover, Paul, Sally, and little baby Estelle gather on the couch.

"Percy, can you frost the cupcake?" Sally calls from the kitchen. Percy walks in and Sally hands him frosting and food dye. He walks to the table where the unfrosted cupcakes sit. He then proceeds to dump all the blue food coloring into the white frosting. He starts frosting every cupcake, except for one. After every single cupcake is done, except the one. He adds a tint of green to the frosting of the last one. Then he hands the cupcake to Annabeth, who looks at the cupcakes on the table and back at her seaweed green cupcake.

"Thank you, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth smiles up at Percy.

"Nicoooooooooooo!" Sally calls from the kitchen. "Can you come here?" Nico peels himself off the wall and slinks to the kitchen.

"Okay, I need you to frost the gingerbread men," Sally says, matter of factly. Nico looks at her blankly. Sally ignores this and hands him a plate of warm gingerbread men. Nico takes it and grabs the frosting Percy hadn't dyed blue. Nico stares at the men blankly, and then a smirk comes across his face.

About ½ hour later...

Nico is done frosting and he brings them into the kitchen. "Good," Sally says as she starts to turn around. "Now all we need to do is-" She stops short at the sight of the gingerbread men. Piper walks in and catches sight of the frosted men.

"Nico," Piper says hesitantly. "Did you turn the men into skeletons?" Nico nods, laughing to himself. The camera zooms in on the grey frosting.
Meanwhile, in the back part of the kitchen, Annabeth is muttering to herself as she pieces together the gingerbread house.
Two hours later...
" if the two parts of the roof are at a perfect right degree angle the house should be a perfect replica of the Big House." Annabeth holds her arms steady as she slowly places the two pieces of gingerbread together. She then proceeds to frost fringes on to the roofs. "Done!" Annabeth exclaims triumphantly as she wipes the sweat off her brow.
"So much work for such a small gingerbread house," Leo says as he looks over his shoulder.
"Leo, come over here," Annabeth sweetly states motioning him over. Leo straightens up quickly, a look of terror washed over his face. He slowly starts to walk forward, toward the dangerous blonde.
"Come on I don't bite," Annabeth says, impatiently.
"It's not the bite I'm scared about," Leo mutters under his breath. Leo looks as if he is ready to bolt the second something goes wrong. Annabeth whispers furiously into Leo's ear. Leo relaxes and smirks as she finishes.
" Oh and Leo," Annabeth says, as she walks away to help the others. " I really didn't appreciate that gingerbread comment. "
Leo laughs nervously and sighs of relief when she leaves the kitchen. He starts to take out all of his tools out of his toolbox, he begins to work on his project.
The house was awash with Christmas. Grover was growing the tree and Thalia was smirking as Jason tried to put up a string of Christmas lights with Annabeth supervision.
"A little more to the left," Annabeth says frowning up at Jason. Jason obeys. "Nope, go back to the right." Jason obeys again, a little more frustrated. After about five more minutes of this, Jason throws down the lights.
"Annabeth, if want this so bad do it yourself!"
"Jason, you're the only one that can fly!" Annabeth frowns.
"Gosh Jason, you're ruining the Christmas spirit!" Thalia smirks at him. Jason sticks out his tongue at her. "Wow real mature," Thalia smirks again.
"Guys stop it!" Annabeth says firmly. "Jason move a millimeter to the left!" Jason moves two millimeters and Annabeth facepalms.
"It will have to do," Annabeth sighs. "Demigods these days, do they ever listen?" She mutters to herself. Jason hangs up the lights and flies down from the ceiling. Grover is done with the tree and now Hazel is levitating gold ornaments onto the tree. Frank, with a Santa hat on, is hanging up stockings. One has a trident on it, the next with an owl. One is woven gold, the next has many different animals on it. One is anything but Aphrodite, and the next has a lightning bolt. One is pitch black, the next has another lightning bolt, and the next has a tree. The last three are matching, except one is smaller than the other two. Sally and Piper come out of the kitchen bearing trays of candy canes, hot chocolate, and eggnog.
When they come out, Percy sneaks into the kitchen. Everyone smiled. Everything was going to plan.
"Percy," Annabeth and Leo say knowingly. "Don't you dare touch that gingerbread house again!"
Flash backward five seconds...
Percy went to take just one gumdrop off the house. As soon as his fingers grazed the top, an ear piercing alarm went off.
"Percy," Annabeth and Leo say knowingly. "Don't you dare touch that gingerbread house again!" Percy quickly locks the kitchen door and hides in a cupboard scared of his angry girlfriend. Annabeth pounds on the door furiously.
"Leo, open this dam door!" Thalia snickers at this comment. Annabeth rolls her eyes and snaps for Leo. Leo hurriedly picks the lock and opens the door. Annabeth stomps angrily into the kitchen. A shaking, cowering, Percy accidentally knocks down a pot in the cupboard. Annabeth flings open the cupboard and drags Percy out. He gives her the seal eyes.
"I'm sorwy Annabeth," Percy pleads. Annabeth melts and then grabs his arm and judo flips him.
"Annabeth!" Sally reprimands. "That's no way to treat my son!"
"Fine," Annabeth concedes. Percy goes in for a kiss on the lips but gets a cheek when Annabeth turns her head away from him. Nico snickers from the doorway. Sally sighs.
"Who's up for some singing?" Hazel says changing the subject. Percy's eyes light up as well as Piper's. They both run to the living room. Everyone else follows grudgingly. Annabeth, Hazel, and Piper rustle through the sheet music on the piano, but Jason, Leo, Frank, and Percy huddle together discussing what to sing. Sally and Paul sit together on the couch with Estelle on Sally's lap. Thalia, Nico, and Grover sit on the other side of the couch, laughing about the idea of Percy singing. The girls sing first.
"*I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow

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