Dr. Cooper

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A/N Hey Guys! PLEASE LEAVE IDEAS IN THE COMMENTS! Thank you for 19.3K+ views! Also, I am at 99 followers, please one of you follow! I'll follow back my 100th follower! Thank you so much! I just want to say, I never expected all of the reads, lovely comments, and 99 followers! I love you guys so much! This chapter takes place after Percabeth is married. All rights go to Rick Riordan!

Percy's POV: 

I hear the familiar sound of Annabeth vomiting in the bathroom. I knock on the door. 

"May I come in?" I ask, gently. 

"Yeah," Annabeth answers, weakly. I turn the knob and give the door a firm push to reveal Annabeth hunched over the toilet, pale, tears streaming down her face. I sit down and rub her back. I brush back some of her fine golden hair with my free hand. She slumps into me. 

"Percy, I have something to tell you. I have a hunch," Annabeth looks up at me. I wrap my arms gently around her. 

"What is it?" I ask. It is unlike Annabeth to not tell me something. 

"I think I'm pregnant." Grey eyes meet green. A series of emotions overwhelm me. Excitement, happiness mixed with a tiny bit of fear.

 "Is that okay?" Annabeth asks, her grey eyes worried.

"Are you kidding me? Of course, it's okay! It's more than okay!" I hug Annabeth tight. She laughs her amazing laugh. 

"I'm not 100% sure, but I think so!" Annabeth smiles. 


A couple hours later...

"Percy?" Annabeth's voice wafts from the bathroom. "Come here for a moment." I walk nervously to the bathroom. Annabeth is standing there holding something.

"What is that?" Oh, gods. "Is that-?" Annabeth nods happily. 

"I'm officially pregnant!"


Dr. Cooper's POV: 

"Hello Mr. and Mrs. Jackson," I say welcoming in the young couple. "Welcome." They walk in, hand in hand, smiling and sit down across from me. 

"So, you just realized Mrs. Jackson was pregnant?" I ask for clarification. 

"Just yesterday and please call us Percy and Annabeth," Annabeth says, beaming. 

"Okay, we are going to take some pictures to see how healthy they are and give you an estimated due date, good?" I ask. 

"Sure," Annabeth smiles up and Percy. 

"Awesome," Percy smiles down at Annabeth.


After the ultrasound...

I riffle through the photos. Good news. The Jackson's baby is healthy as can be. I hear a knock on my door. I look over to see Percy and Annabeth's anxious faces. 

"Come in," I call. They walk in and sit down across from me. I smile at their worried faces. 

"Percy and Annabeth," They lean in closer. "Your baby is as healthy as can be." Annabeth bursts into happy tears and collapses into Percy. Percy smiles and hugs her. I smile at the obvious love. 

"What about our due date?" Percy asks. Annabeth sniff and wipes at her eyes. 

"Annabeth, you are about 3 months pregnant and it is June 22, so your estimated due date is December 22nd!" 

"What about the gender?" Annabeth asks. 

"Come back in 1 month!" I say. 

"Thank you Dr. Cooper," Percy says shaking my hand. 

"It was a pleasure." That was how I met Percabeth. 

How was that? I am going to make a part ll to this! Goodbye People of the Earth and Mount Olympus!

<3 Thalia

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