Nicola Parker Part l

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A/N Hey Guys! This chapter is for hiya2810 . She has been really supportive and nice so I asked her if she wanted a chapter for her. If I see you guys are being very supportive and kind I will ask you too! If you would like a chapter for you, don't be shy, just private message me! Also, this chapter is going to have Percabeth's proposal at CHB. So it won't be like the one in my earlier chapters! Also, I would like to remind everyone I like to keep everything family friendly. Please no cursing or inappropriate content in the comments, although dam jokes are allowed! All rights go to Rick Riordan! 

Nicola Parker's POV:

Hi. My name is Nicola Parker. I am 14 years old and the daughter of Zeus. I know, the gods were not good at the Big Three pact. One normal, un special day, I was walking down the beach at Camp Half Blood trying to find good shots to photograph, picking at one of the loose threads in my distressed jeans, when I stopped because I heard the low murmuring of voices. I inched closer, my hand on my sword hilt when I recognized the voices. It was Percy and Annabeth or "Percabeth" as the camp called them. They were sitting there, peacefully, on the sand, where the tide could tickle their toes, holding hands Annabeth's head on Percy's shoulder. I brush my blue hair out of my matching blue eyes that had escaped my ponytail. My hair is naturally black but I dyed a streak of it electric blue. I shuffle closer the sand muffling my presence. 

"But Wise Girl..." Percy complaints. I smile. They have the cutest nicknames for each other. It's only a matter of time before Percy pops the question.

"But Seaweed Brain..." Annabeth replicates Percy's whine perfectly. 

"Owl Face," Percy shoots back. Oh no. I know where this is going. They are going to have an insult war, aren't they?

Annabeth sits up and squares her shoulders. She meets grey to green. "Oh, you did not just go there!" I facepalm. "Kelp Head!"

"Hey!" Percy says. "Only Thalia can call me that So Called Wisdom Girl!" Yep. Insult war is activated. 

Annabeth raises her eyebrows in disbelief. "So Called Wisdom Girl? Is that the best you could come up with Half Faced Fish?" 

Percy nods. "Yes, it is Mrs. Jackson." It is as if time stopped. The ocean stops crashing. The air stops vibrating. Everything is dead silent. I widen my eyes and pull out my camera. If this is going where I think it is, I think I need to be recording this. I press Record. 

Annabeth blinks stunned. "What?" She stutters. Percy pulls out a box from his back pocket and gets down on one knee. I can barely contain my squeals. (A/N NEITHER CAN I!!!) 

 "Annabeth, Wise Girl, you have made my life amazhang since you said, "' You drool in your sleep."' Annabeth laughs a clear sharp sound. "Will you do me the immense honor of marrying me?" 

Annabeth gets out a barely audible yes before jumping into his arms and kissing Percy full on the lips. I press end on my camera. PERCABETH IS GETTING MARRIED! When I look up from completely fangirling I see Percabeth back in their original position. 

"You know Percy," Annabeth says, thoughtfully. "We've been married since we were twelve." Percy's mouth drops around the same as mine. Which is a lot. 

"Whaa?" He asks smartly. Annabeth smiles even wider if that's possible. 

"In Ancient Greece throwing an apple at a girl was a proposal. Remember on our first question when we were playing Hackey Sacks with that apple? Well, you threw an apple at me." Percy's and I's mouth are still positively gaping. "But you knew that right?" Annabeth seems to be enjoying Percy's disbelief. 

"Of course Wise Girl!" Percy pulls himself together. "Would you like the ring?" 

Did you like it? There will be a part ll to this! Goodbye People of the Earth and Mount Olympus!


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