The End

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Hey guys, it's me! You all have might have seen this coming, but I've concluded that it's time to end this story.

I started this story when I was in sixth grade at the age of 11 as just a fun way to share my stories and express my love for Percy Jackson. I never expected this story to gain so much attention, because well I was just a sixth-grader writing about something she was passionate about. I have to say that I have loved every single moment of writing this story, but even more than that, you guys. Honestly, the best part of this entire experience has been you all and your amazing comments that always made my day. I have made so many wonderful friends, and even though most of them have moved on, I just wanted to say that I will never forget each and every one of them. Thank you for all the wondrous memories that I will never forget. 

As I've grown up, I've realized that even though I am immensely grateful for this story and platform, I'm ready to move on. I will never forget all the great memories and times from this portion of my life, and I just wanted to say I am so grateful to all of you from the bottom of my heart, and I love you all.

To Hiya and Stacie:

Even though both of you left this platform a long time ago, you both always could make my day from just one single comment. I loved getting to know both of you so much and even though we have never even met in person, it meant the world to me that we formed a friendship. I will never forget you two, because how could I forget such amazing people?
xoxo, Thalia

To Rafaela:

Although you left Wattpad only a little time ago, I miss you so much already. I loved getting to know you, and I really miss our conversations that were just hearts back and forth to each other. You always knew how to brighten my day and constantly supporting me and hyping me up. I felt as if I saw you every day, even though we have never met. I love you, and I will never forget you.
<3 Thalia

To DoomXtreme

Hi, remember me? It's been a while, I know. I just wanted to say thank you for all the amazing support on this story. You have been a consistent friend since the beginning and were always there leaving comments that made my day, so thank you!
xoxo, Thalia

To theyarenotonlystorys

I love you so much you don't even understand. You got me back into writing and I can talk to you about anything. There are too many things I have to thank you for and not enough words, but I loved writing the chapter with you last Christmas and hope we can write another story together soon. I love you so much!

To PiperGlenwood and MiaEvergreen

Hey guys. Wow, can you believe it's been three years since we've started? Can you believe how far we've come? Piper, even though I see you every day, I still have to say this to you. Thank you for being on this journey with me. Without you, I would have never had the courage to publish my writing. Remember when we were just little hyperactive fangirls? We've come so far and I love you even more now, thank you for being on this journey with me. Mia, although I don't see you every day now, I still love you. I can't believe that we've grown up so much. Your support on this story has meant the world and I can't thank you enough. Without you, I wouldn't have the most amazing memories ever, I can't believe we're so grown up!

To everyone who's supported me:

Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I know, this is unbelievably cheesy, but I couldn't have made this story without all of you. Your votes and comments with kind words made my day ∞ times better. Thank you.


Goodbye People of the Earth and Mount Olympus!

<3 Thalia 


The end.

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