Drew Tanaka

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A/N Hey Guys! It feels like forever since I have updated! Nothing new is going on... EXCEPT! Today I am not writing my chapter... My friend PiperGlenwood is writing it for me! All rights go to Rick Riordan and PiperGlenwood 

Hello, everybody! My name is Drew Tanaka, daughter of Aphrodite. I am obviously the most gorgeous person in all of the world. Who else would be? I am in the Aphrodite cabin, fixing up my makeup. It's only 3rd hour of sitting in front of a mirror staring at my beautiful self! Once I am finally satisfied (Hamilton reference) with my appearance, I step outside into the warm summer air.

I sigh happily as I scan the Camp field for any new, potential boyfriends. Then I spot Percy Jackson. Percy is the guy everyone wants to date, he's brave, protective, funny, sarcastic, sweet, and of course cute. I start walking towards him, my face in a coat of makeup and my hair stiff with hairspray. My clothing may show a lot, but don't guys like that?

"Hey Percy," I drawl, putting my hand on his arm. 

He turns to me and gives me a disgusted look that he tries to hide, "Uh, hi Drew." His gorgeous sea green eyes meet my brown ones for a second. 

I can feel him tense under my grip, so I try to keep him talking, "So....I must say that was SUPER brave how you saved the world and everything." 

Percy rubs the back of his neck, "Uh yeah." I giggle and twirl a piece of my unnaturally hard hair around my finger. My grip tightens on Percy's bicep, 

"Wow, you have a lot of muscle. You must train REALLY hard." (A/N Gag from Piper) Percy shrugs off my arm and backs away, 

"It was nice talking to you Drew but I have to meet someone..." 

"Oh, I'm sure Grover can wait!" I squeal before jumping on him. I land on top of him and start to lean in when....

"Drew, get OFF of my boyfriend!" A stern voice calls out. 

I decided to ignore it, but as soon as I try to kiss my soon-to-be boyfriend again, a force shoves me off of Percy. I land roughly, right in a mud puddle....face-first. I sit up and wipe mud from my eyes, "AGH! MY CLOTHES ARE RUINED! MY MAKEUP IS RUINED! MY HAIR IS RUINED! MY KISS IS RUINED!!" I scream. I stand up and try to locate the idiot who decided to mess with me when I come face to face with two stormy gray eyes. Annabeth.

 "Oh, A-Annabeth. I was trying to flirt with Percy, but you ruined it!" I yell at her face. She glares at me and I feel myself shrink a little. 

"Hook up with Percy? Really? Well, in case you were too busy stuck inside your cabin making yourself look like a clown, Percy and I are dating." I almost laugh. Percy and Annabeth? Could there be a worse match? 

I laugh coldly, "Haha, funny joke Annabeth. As if Percy would ever date someone like you. Have you seen yourself? You're just someone who needs to date Percy because you want power. Well, newsflash, no one will ever like YOU. No one will ever love you-" Annabeth slaps me, hard. Tears swim in my eyes when I look up at her in shock. 

"How dare you touch me!" I yell, but I just see her tears already falling as she runs to the Athena cabin. Percy gives me a glare almost as scary as Annabeth's and runs after her. I'm left standing there, muddy, and a complete mess, with a red handprint on my left cheek. Great. Just great.

Later that day, after I've recovered and fixed myself up again, I go for a walk on the beach. That was a mistake. I see Percy and Annabeth sitting on a towel. They kiss before Annabeth leans into Percy's shoulder. I make a gasping, strangled sort of sound. They both turn, notice me, shoot a glare that could turn me to ashes in a matter of seconds, get up, and walk away.

I stand there stunned at the new couple. That is how I met Percabeth.

Hey, Guys! I hope that was interesting! This is now Thalia speaking. I hoped you enjoyed that! I might do it with some other people, but I don't know! Goodbye People of the Earth and Mount Olympus!

<3 Thalia

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