Dr. Cooper Part ll

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A/N Hey Guys! Sorry for the late chapter! If you didn't see the note on my profile, I have been very busy recently! Thanks so much for understanding! Also, thank you for 23.4K views and 1K votes! All rights go to Rick Riordan!

Percy's POV: 

"Ready to go, Wise Girl?" I call up the stairs to Annabeth. 

"Coming!" She yells back. Today is the day we find out the gender of our unborn child! Personally, I don't care. I know Annabeth is secretly hoping for a girl even though she says she doesn't care. Annabeth comes walking down the stairs wearing jeans and a light green sweatshirt. 

"Ready?" She asks, smiling a nervous smile. I take her left hand.

"Ready as ever," I smile back. 


The ultrasound is done. Annabeth and I are sitting in Dr. Cooper's office anxiously awaiting the results. The lean back into the grey well worn chair. Annabeth on the other hand is very tense, sitting straight her mouth clenched. I reach over and take her hand. Annabeth smiles and relaxes, but only a little. Her eyes are still swimming with her emotions. 

"So," I say to try and ease the tension. "What do you think?" Annabeth turns. 

"I think," She pauses, thinking. "Girl." I smile. 

"I think boy," I say, mainly to go against what Annabeth says. "I guess we'll just have to see who's right!" 

"The person who is right get's bragging rights and a blue cookie," Annabeth grins. 

"Ohhh! Be prepared to go down!" I say, happy to see she is forgetting her worry. Dr. Cooper walks in. I straighten up and watch him as he strides long strides across the room. Dr. Cooper sits behind the desk. 

"Well, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson-" Annabeth cuts in. 

"Percy and Annabeth," She corrects. 

"Wise Girl! Is that really necessary at the moment?" I say, impatient. Annabeth glares at me. 

"I mean, please call us Percy and Annabeth!" I say, nervous of what Annabeth might do. Dr. Cooper watches us, amused. 

"Well, Percy and Annabeth, you will be having a-" 


While Percy and Annabeth are placing their bets on the baby...

Dr. Cooper's POV: 

I look over the ultrasound photos. The Jackson's baby looks perfectly healthy. Just the perfect size. Clutching the photos in my left hand I walk to my office, where Mr. and Mrs. Jackson are most definitely anxiously awaiting the news. I turn the knob and walk in to see Percy and Annabeth straighten up. The emotions all in their eyes at once while their faces are a slate of calm. 

"Well, Mr. and Mrs. Jackson-"I start before Annabeth cuts in.

"Percy and Annabeth," She corrects. 

"Wise Girl! Is that really necessary at the moment?" Percy says, impatient. Annabeth glares at him. 

"I mean, please call us Percy and Annabeth!" Percy says, probably nervous of what Annabeth might do. I watch all of this amused. Such opposites, yet working perfectly together. 

"Well, Percy and Annabeth, you will be having a baby girl." Percy and Annabeth are quiet for a second until Annabeth bursts into happy tears and Percy buries her in a hug. The office is quiet for little. I have learned to sort of fade into the background while the parents are enjoying this happy moment. 

"HA! I told you so!" Annabeth shouts at Percy. Percy groans and buries his head in his hands. "And guess who get's the cookie!?" Percy groans even louder. 

"APOLLO! HERA! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS!?" I clear my throat. Annabeth and Percy looked at me as if just remembering I am here. 

"Sorry Dr. Cooper," Annabeth apologizes. "We just had a little bet on the gender, and I won!" I nod. 

"Well, your baby girl is healthy and just the right size. I'll  check up at the next appointment, but I have a feeling this baby is going to be an amazing little girl!" 

"Thank you!" They say in unison while gathering up their belongings. That is how I first met Percabeth. 

Thanks for reading! Goodbye People of the Earth and Mount Olympus!

<3 Thalia

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