Jack Burro

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A/N If you have an idea for a chapter, or want a chapter made for you, just message me and we can talk. And now, let's get onto the chapter! All rights go to Rick Riordan!

Jack's POV:

I walk into the natatorium and am immediately hit with a wave of humidity and the smell of chlorine. Oh, I'm Jack by the way. I'm the captain, and the best, of the Armadillo Army Swim Team. We have another meet today against Goode High School.  

"Hey, Jack!" I turn around at the sound of my name. It's Noah, the annoying boy always running after me. He holds out a cooler full of drinks. "Here are a couple of different drink options for today's meet!" I inspect the drinks and wrinkle my nose. 

"Noah! I asked for a Cool Blue Gatorade, not a Glacier Freeze! They are two completely different shades of blue! Can you not think?" Noah looks down. 

"They didn't have-" He starts. I interrupt him. 

"Do I look like I care? Go!" Noah scurries away, like the little mouse he is. The crowd starts to file in. I notice a lot of them are dressed in purple, Goode's color. I do spot a few blobs of blue in the crowd and smile. I walk over and join my team. Our coach is giving a pep talk. Something about a star swimmer Percy, blah, blah, blah. He's nothing I can't handle. 

"There he is," Coach Matt points to the door where the Goode team is filing in. "He's the last one." I size up my competitor. Even if Coach hadn't pointed him out, I definitely would have pinpointed him as the best. This "Percy" is the tallest and most muscular of the group. When he walks in, the entire crowd from Goode cheers. He flashes a quick smile and waves. I roll my eyes. Such a suck up to the crowd. We'll see who's smiling after our race. As I'm watching the people file in, I see a girl walk in. She's definitely not from our school or I would've noticed. She's blonde and tan, sporting a purple jersey with the name Jackson on the back. Huh. A whistle blows. Dangit, I'll have to wait until later to talk with her.


"And Percy Jackson finishes first, with Jack Burro in second and Logan Williams in third." The announcer comments. I slap the water, frustrated. Percy beat me, again. That's the fourth race in a row! I only have one race left today, luckily it's my best. The 50-meter freestyle. I get out of the pool and watch my teammates compete in the 100-meter butterfly. Percy wins by a wide margin. I scoff and roll my eyes. I stand up and walk over to the starting block. 

"Swimmers take your mark!" I crouch down, fingertips gripping the edge of the platform. The pistol bangs and I launch myself out, smoothly entering the water a fair distance away from the wall. I start to swim my hardest, but can't catch up to Percy. I finish second. Percy climbs out of the pool, not even out of breath. 

"Good job," he says to me, smiling. I don't acknowledge him and he turns away. 


The meet is over. I dry off and try to pinpoint the girl I saw earlier. She's fighting her way through the crowd towards the Goode team. I quickly make my way in the girl's direction. I reach her when she reaches the team. I tap her on the shoulder and she turns around. 

"Hi," I say, flashing a swift grin, showing off my impossibly white teeth. "I'm Jack, and who are you gorgeous?" I hold out my hand. She looks me up and down and doesn't take my hand.  

"One, don't call me gorgeous and two, I have a boyfriend." I smile again, unbothered. 

"Really, and who might that be?" I question. All of a sudden, Percy pushes his way through the crowd of admirers. Great. Of course, he has to show up and ruin everything. The girl turns around and watches him. He grabs her and kisses her. My mouth is hanging open. I poke him and he turns around.

"What are you doing with her? I was asking her out!" I say, furious. Percy raises an eyebrow and the girl stifles a laugh. 

"I'll leave you two alone if you can tell me what her name is," Percy states, trying not to double over with laughter. My cocky smile fades. I look at the girl again and read the name Jackson printed across her back. 

"Jackson!" I say, confidently. The pair laughs. 

"Actually, that's my last name," Percy replies. "And this is my girlfriend Annabeth." My cheeks redden, and I turn and run out. 


Years later...

I turn on the TV to the Olympics. Swimming is on soon. Even though I quit swimming years ago, it's still nice to watch it once and a while. The men's 4x100 m is on and it looks like I'm catching the tail end. The USA is in second when the third swimmer ends his turn. 

"And Percy Jackson just entered the water for the USA!"The commentator announces as the fourth swimmer dives in. Wait, Percy Jackson? I watch as he catches up to Brazil and easily surpasses their swimmer. Needless to say, the USA wins by a large margin. I sit, stunned, in front of the TV. Is it possible that swimmer is the boy I competed against years ago? No, that's not possible. I watch and he gets out of the pool and makes his way over to the TV interviewer. 

"So Percy," she starts. "That was quite a race! Is there anything you would like to say?" He nods, smiling. 

"I would like to thank my wife for always believing in me," he says leaning towards the microphone. "Actually she should be around here with our children... there she is!" And blonde woman comes into views with three children with her. No, it can't be! That's Annabeth! From the swim meet where I first encountered Percy! I watch enraptured as he hugs and kisses her and his children. I then shut off the TV, amazed at what I just saw. That is how I met Percabeth.

A/N QOTD: Are you a taken piece of bacon or a single pringle? I have a boyfriend, so I guess that makes me a piece of bacon? Anyway, thank you, People of the Earth and Mount Olympus!

<3 Thalia

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